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His Genius Wife is a Superstar 76 Sister-in-law

Jin Liwei was able to coax Iris by persuading her that there was nothing to be embarrassed about in front of his brothers. His brothers were also now her brothers.

She finally calmed down and began to chat naturally with everyone.

Dismayed, Jin Liwei tried to shoo them away but they pretended that they didn't hear him, even when he was already being so direct, blatantly telling them to go the f*ck away. They may be his best friends, his brothers, but at the moment, they were all annoying flies buzzing around his beautiful girlfriend.

To his three brothers, this was such a rare moment. Their Third Brother finally got himself a girlfriend! The one among them who never showed any interest in women before and turned murderous whenever someone attempted to seduce him or even just flirted with him. Deep within their hearts, they even suspected that their Third Brother might be bent the other way but of course, nobody dared to voice this suspicion unless they wanted to die.

Yu Mo: "Xiao Xiu, Xiao Xiu! Tell Teacher how you and Third Bro met each other. Come on, we want to know!"

Iris: "Uh, we met at a hotel―"

Yu Mo: "What?! Hotel?! That fast?!"

Iris: "―lobby. Wait, what?"

Jin Liwei's scowl was so ugly that it alarmed Lin Yehan.

Lin Yehan laughed unnaturally and knocked Yu Mo on the head. "Wait for people to finish talking first."

Yu Mo: "Oh, lobby! Ahahaha! Of course you met at a hotel lobby! Lobbies are a great way to meet people. Go on, go on."

Jin Liwei: "Enough. Leave us alone. My girlfriend and I are on a date."

Yu Mo: "But Third Bro! We haven't seen each other for so long! And this is the first time we're meeting your girlfriend…well, not my first time meeting her because we see each other every week, but this is the first time I'm meeting her as your girlfriend. You know what I mean?"

Lin Yehan: "Let's go. Let's not disturb the two of them anymore."

Yu Mo: "But Eldest Bro!"

Wang Yingjie: "Xiulan, are we bothering you two?"

Jin Liwei: "Yes, you are all bothering us."

Iris: "No, of course not."

Jin Liwei's expression was so scary that Yu Mo subconsciously stepped back. Damn it! He was a martial arts expert but in front of his Third Bro, he felt like a weak little kid.

Iris looked up at Jin Liwei. "Why don't we let them join us? Your brothers are already here and it's rude that we're driving them away."

Jin Liwei: "No. They're the rude ones for disturbing our date."

Iris: "How about we make an exception for today? I won't be at peace if we just drive them away. Besides, we're the ones borrowing Eldest Brother's villa."

Jin Liwei gave her an unwilling look.

Iris: "Please, Liwei…darling?"

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