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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 371 - Reputation And Prestige


C371 - Reputation And Prestige

Chapter 371 - Reputation And Prestige

The audience gave a collective gasp before the loud applause and cheering ensued, mostly from the Black Stars and the general public. As for the celebrities, productions crews and nominees from the other films who were sitting at the front and centre rows, they gave a more modest applause.

Some of them thought that Iris Long deserved the win, but the others thought that it was still too early for her to win against the seasoned veterans. Many of these people worked in the film industry for a long time. And more often than not, they didn’t take it well when there was a change in the status quo, especially for an individual who they perceived as not belonging to the film industry.

Indeed, Iris Long was a great and talented musician. Her film score in "Strong Yet Broken" was beautiful, creative and sophisticated, emotionally harrowing yet also dynamic at the same time. It truly enhanced the film experience and magnified the emotions the viewers felt while watching the film.

However, these people thought that she should’ve gathered more experience working in the film industry first before actually winning an award for it. Many of the seasoned veterans that she was up against started this way. They didn’t immediately rise to the top. They started from the bottom.

There were plenty of them who thought that it was unfair for Iris Long to win such a prestigious award for the first film score that she composed. These people were forgetting that Diamond Guild Film Awards chose winners based on the nominated pieces of work and not on the creators’ previous experiences.

It was inevitable that Iris Long’s rise to the fame in the past few months would garner envy, even to those who weren’t in the music industry.

At the moment, however, the group of "Strong Yet Broken" didn’t care about any of that. They all jumped up their seats and cheered for Iris Long’s win. They congratulated her and shared her victory. Even Guan Jintao and his wife joined in. Of course, JJ was ecstatic. He looked even more excited than Iris Long, as if he was the one who won the award.

Iris headed up the stage and accepted the heavy, sparkling, diamond-shaped glass award. The female presenter was very warm and sincere in congratulating her. However, Iris could tell that the male presenter wasn’t too happy about her win.

Keeping a polite expression, Iris stood in front of the microphone. She swept her eyes across the front and centre rows where she could see similar discontented expressions regarding her win.

Iris didn’t give a damn about any of them.

Something flared up within her and the corner of her lips lifted into a smirk. But it only lasted for about a second before the polite expression returned to her face. Even she didn’t realize that she smirked.

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