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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 576 - Magnanimous Viscountess

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C576 - Magnanimous Viscountess


Chapter 576 - Magnanimous Viscountess

Outside the police station, Wei Lan and company weren’t able to leave immediately because there was a big crowd blocking their way. The reporters were shouting questions at them.

"For now, my client and I need to discuss our next steps regarding the altercation with Madam Zhu. It was the other party who instigated the incident. My client, the viscountess, is completely innocent in this case. She is the victim," Attorney Hong Shaoqiang spoke to the reporters.

The reporters turned to Wei Lan. She spoke after receiving a nod of approval from the attorney.

"I am deeeeply embarrassed that all of you witnessed such a shaaaaaameful incident between I and Zhu Ning. Because of our former relationship with the same man, the father of both our childreeeeen, Zhu Ning and I have always been at odds with each other. We are like oil and water. We have neeeeeever gotten along. I don’t deny that. I just wish that she stops draaaaaaagging my lovely daughter into our conflict. She even threatened to kill my baaaaaaaby! How could I sit still after thaaaaat?! My daughter is happily engaged with deeeeeaaaar Liwei but she’s also veeeery busy with her showbiz work and her company Orchidia Beauty. I’m sooooo proud of her but also worried because she works soooooo hard! That’s why I’m doing my beeeeeest to help run her foundation, Iris of Hope. I don’t want this embarrassing incident to worry her and distract her from moooooore important matters that she neeeeds to take care of.

"I hope that Zhu Ning calms down and realizes that we should mooooove on and groooooow up. We’re not young anymoooore. It has been so looooong and I’m tired of fighting with her. I just want to enjoy the rest of my life with my beloooooved husband." She giggled at this point. "And also to enjoy my new cloooooser relationship with my daughter and my fuuuuuture son-in-law. Zhu Ning and I may neeeever be best friends but at least I hope that we stop trying to tear each other apart whenever we meet. I think that it’s the right tiiiiiiiiime to put things in the past where they belooooong."

The crowd oohed and aahed at her speech. They praised her for being magnanimous, even when her clothes were ripped, her hair was in disarray, and her body was covered in bruises and scratches.

"A woman of class, just like Boss Iris!"

"Yeah! Not like that barbaric hag who only knows how to use her fists!"

"She’s just an ex-mistress! How dare she beat up the legal wife?!"

"Wei Lan is also an ex, you know!"

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