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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 306 - History Maker


C306 - History Maker

Chapter 306 - History Maker

The other side of the critics absolutely loved "Monster of Insanity" by Iris Long and Pandemonium. Many of them even dared to call it a new masterpiece of the country’s music industry. One such critic, DJ Song, wrote:

"I have never heard of such a masterful musical composition and songwriting as ’Monster of Insanity’ before. The details, techniques, lyrics and overall musicality are all superb. I know that there had been many attempts before in other countries to seamlessly harmonize hard rock and classical music, but I personally think that ’Monster of Insanity’ is the only one that succeeded with such precision.

"I almost can’t believe that a song with such technical difficulty that could even make seasoned musicians puke from attempting to play it was created by a young woman with the tender age of twenty years. I also heard that some experts, historians and even academics in the music field are now trying to confirm whether Iris Long has really created new musical techniques. If she really did, then it’s a great achievement and pride for our country’s music industry. Even if she didn’t, it’s already a big accomplishment to utilize all of these advanced techniques that are rarely used by our own musicians.

"I don’t throw this word around carelessly, but I’m going to say it today. In my decades working in the music industry, I daresay that Iris Long is a musical genius. We should be encouraging her to nurture her talents. I’m looking forward to how she’ll develop and what kind of music she’ll release in the future. With a figure like her, I’m reassured and optimistic about the future of our country’s music industry."

Although DJ Song focused a lot on Iris Long in his review, he also praised the members of Pandemonium for their contribution to the song. He especially commended Eros. Besides the piano and the vocalists, the lead guitar had the most technically difficult role in "Monster of Insanity". Of course, he didn’t forget to throw some words of praise for his dear friend JJ who co-produced the song and was the mastermind behind Night’s rap which got a lot of panties wet.

When all of these mixed reviews started pouring in, others joined in on the debate of whether "Monster of Insanity" was a musical sacrilege or masterpiece. The debate was a popular topic everywhere. Many music schools started using it as a topic for lessons. Popular TV programs also invited various experts to weigh their opinions in on the debate.

And just like that, the interest for "Monster of Insanity" increased day by day. It went beyond casual listening to a serious topic of discussion.

While all of these were happening, "Hey, It’s Me" by Jin Chonglin continued to reign at the top of the music charts. "Monster of Insanity" by Iris Long and Pandemonium was close behind at number 2. With these two music at the top, all the other music had no choice but to compete for number 3 instead because they just couldn’t reach the level of these two songs.

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