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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 486 - Chicken Pretending To Be A Phoenix


C486 - Chicken Pretending To Be A Phoenix

Chapter 486 - Chicken Pretending To Be A Phoenix

The best friend of Sun Jingfei, Long Jinjing’s mother, repeatedly messaged and called her. However, Sun Jingfei was already asleep. She had a strict sleep routine because she needed to wake up early every morning to open her small bookstore. As a result, she didn’t learn about the news until the next morning.

In another place, Zhu Ning, Long Jian’s mother, was in complete disbelief upon watching the livestream after being alerted by her friends. At first, she didn’t understand Wei Lan’s long title at all.

"What’s a vizcondesa?" she asked her friends during a video call. "Does it mean ’social climber’ or ’gold digger’? Or maybe both? Ahahaha! And what’s with the other Spanish words? That slut is so pretentious as always."

Her friends hesitated before explaining to her what "vizcondesa" meant. They told her that it was an official Spanish title.

"Ahahaha! You must be joking! No way!" Zhu Ning didn’t dare believe it.

However, her friends shared their observations. They noted that the car which dropped Wei Lan off at the red carpet bore the flags of Spain and of an official-looking coat of arms, presumably of the Viscountcy of Castillo de Estrellas. Since Wei Lan dared to use these two flags at such an important international event, her new title as a viscountess must be true.

If it wasn’t, she would be condemned not only by the film festival’s followers, but also by the country of Spain and all the Spanish nobility for pretending to be someone that she wasn’t. The stakes were too high just to fake something like this especially in such a highly publicized international film festival.

In addition to this, the film festival’s organizers themselves sent representatives to personally welcome Wei Lan. It was obvious by their actions that they treated her with much respect. They were also giving her extra special treatment compared to the other VIP guests. All of these showed that Wei Lan’s new title must be real.

It was only after her friends’ explanations that Zhu Ning finally began to comprehend Wei Lan’s new identity. Her face contorted in fury upon realizing that the gulf between their statuses had increased exponentially.

Zhu Ning couldn’t accept it!

She went batshit crazy and began wrecking the things in her house, as usual.

The household staff hid themselves from her sight for fear of becoming their madam’s target. They wished that their young master were here. He was the only one who could calm his mother. Unfortunately, Long Jian was still on an out of town business trip.

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