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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 606 - Alliance

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C606 - Alliance


Chapter 606 - Alliance

Iris’ eyes widened in surprise. She lifted an eyebrow before looking at Jin Liwei.Her darling also looked surprised at Long Jian’s proposition.

"Explain," Jin Liwei barked.

Long Jian straightened and stood up again. Deep inside, he hated what he was doing but had to do it for the sake of his mother. He couldn’t believe that there would come a day that he would grovel in front of his youngest sister who he always thought of before as a good-for-nothing spoiled brat. And yet now, here he was begging her for a favour.

"I know that you want to become the next head of Long Industries," he said. "Our brother Long Hui wants it and I want it too, of course."

"So you want it, too. Then why are you saying that you’re going to help me?" Iris asked.

"Let’s put aside what I want for now. I’ll help you gain more influence in Long Industries. Let’s work together in removing our brother Long Hui and the other contenders from the running in the battle for succession. Once they’re out of the picture, the only ones left will be the two of us.

"I know that you have more advantages and have a higher chance of succeeding than me. You’re a legitimate child, future wife of CEO Jin Liwei, famous celebrity, you have Orchidia Beauty, and Father adores you the most.

"But I won’t give up. I’m confident that I’m the most suitable to succeed and become the next head after Father. When the time comes, I promise to fight you head on with my own abilities, skills and qualifications. No funny business. I’ll battle it out with you fair and square, unlike our brother who schemes behind the scenes with the help of his maternal family, the Zhengs.

"This is what I’m willing to do in exchange for you helping my mother. I’m going to help you to establish yourself in Long Industries which you’ll find difficult to do on your own as a mere brand ambassador. Father can’t openly help you because he’ll be accused of nepotism. But I can do it. I worked my way up from the bottom, so I have many connections with people from both the bottom and the top, unlike Father who only works with the top brass nowadays.

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