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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 336 - The Award Goes To…


C336 - The Award Goes To…

Chapter 336 - The Award Goes To…

Fortunately, the chanting subsided when the show went into another commercial break. Jin Chonglin was so relieved that he felt like he just escaped a life and death situation.

His older brother had always been scary but only in a cold, unapproachable way. This time, however, Jin Chonglin could feel the fury emanating from Jin Liwei. It seemed like Iris Long had become his brother’s greatest trigger. He should be more careful next time, or Jin Liwei might suddenly forget that they were flesh and blood brothers.

The music awards ceremony continued after the commercial break. The anticipation reached its peak to the point that some of the first-time nominees felt like they were going to faint. Iris, however, looked relaxed as she chatted with JJ and DJ Song.

For her, getting awards was not the main goal. It was more important for her to share her music to the world and to let more people enjoy it. She would never allow a few judges comprising the music awards’ voting council to determine her worth as a musician. Whether they chose her to win or not was not something that she would fret over.

But this was not to say that she wouldn’t be happy if she won. On the contrary, it would be the best for her to win because it would open up more opportunities for her to advance her career. Regardless of whether she won or not, she wanted to savour this experience.

The minor categories went up first. Lots of emotional speeches and polite applause. Finally, the categories moved on to the more major ones.

"And the winner of the Best Instrumental Album is...’Rebirth Melodies’ by Iris Long!!!"

It was Iris’ first win in the official categories. She had been nominated in two other minor categories earlier but lost. JJ was very upset that she didn’t win those ones. Right now, however, he looked ecstatic when her name was called. She hugged both JJ and DJ Song before heading to the stage.

After receiving the heavy golden treble award, she stood once again in front of the mic. She swept her eyes across the audience and smiled at the delighted Black Stars. The four posh ladies at the front row seats were wiping their tears as they looked proudly at her.

Of course, Jin Liwei was also on his feet clapping his hands. She could see the pride and love in his eyes. She looked directly at him as she gave her acceptance speech, completely ignoring the man wearing a pinkish-grey suit standing beside her darling.

"Thank you so much! First of all, I would like to thank my fiancé for loving me and supporting me. You’ve always been patient with me whenever I’m busy composing music. Thank you for not forcing me to choose between you and music. And when ’Rebirth Melodies’ was criticized as being an inferior imitation of classical music, I know that you felt upset in my stead. I just want to say that I love you and I appreciate you."

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