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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 326 - Important Lesson


C326 - Important Lesson

Chapter 326 - Important Lesson

"We came here today because we want to use Long Industries’ excellent shipping services to import some of our ingredients and raw materials that we have to source from overseas," Iris finally mentioned her purpose for asking for their audience. "Not only that. We are also hoping for Long Industries to be our shipping partner in delivering our products to our long-distance customers domestically and internationally when we reach that point in our business."

Impressed by the presentation, the COO had now entered business mode. "Miss Long, may I ask a few questions before we discuss your request?"

"Of course. Please go ahead and ask away."

It wasn’t only the COO who began asking questions. Even Long Tengfei and Long Hui did. They were all serious in asking about various aspects of Orchidia Beauty. Iris was also very serious in answering their questions.

When it came to the products themselves, she allowed the Bauer siblings to answer the questions and to explain the details more fully. The siblings spoke in German, so Iris became their translator.

It only made the COO and everyone else more impressed by her.

Qiao Yu also had the chance to speak when the discussion reached the financial situation of the company. He was temporarily handling Orchidia Beauty’s finances until Iris found a suitable person to serve as the company’s CFO.

Amanpio Kileksky was also called over to answer some questions about the technology he developed with Alric. He spoke in English. Iris didn’t need to translate because everyone in the room knew English. He assured everyone that the technology they developed was not something that anyone could easily replicate.

"With my name on the application forms, I’m sure that our patents will get approved soon. I always have patent pending because I invent a lot of things," he boasted. "Besides, if anyone dares try replicating my technology with Alric, we’ll just sue the crap out of them! Then we’ll get more money to develop even more advanced technology that they won’t be able to keep up with us. Ahaha!"

Long Tengfei and the others laughed at his words, thinking that he was joking. Iris, however, nodded in agreement with Amanpio. Both of them were serious. As if they would allow anyone to replicate the technology Amanpio and Alric developed. It was a given that Amanpio wouldn’t allow it because he was the inventor. Iris also wouldn’t allow it because she spent such a huge amount of money in the development of those technology.

Finally, they started the negotiations for the shipping services.

"I would like to get a discounted price of 95% off for shipping domestically, 93% off for Asian locations and 90% off for other parts of the world," Iris asked with a straight face.

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