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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 496 - Snobbish Attitudes


C496 - Snobbish Attitudes

Chapter 496 - Snobbish Attitudes

The members of the Jin branch families called Grandma Li and Huang Yuyan on the phone, even though it was already extremely late at night. They asked if the matriarch and the old madam knew that the family head was engaged to Iris Long.

Both Grandma Li and Huang Yuyan were displeased of being awakened from their sleep in the middle of the night. After the two confirmed that they knew about Jin Liwei and Iris Long’s relationship, the branch families expressed their unhappiness. They even declared that they found the engagement unacceptable.

"Who are you to dictate my grandson’s life?" Grandma Li retorted in a deliberately snooty manner. She was furious at their complaints. "My grandson is the family head. How dare you try to control his life?!"

Similarly, Huang Yuyan was also angered at all the complaints. However, she had a weaker disposition compared to her mother-in-law, so all she could do was assure everyone that she accepted Iris Long as her eldest son’s fiancée. When the complaints became too much, she turned off her phone and used a maid’s phone instead to call Grandma Li for advice on what to do. Grandma Li was currently at her mountain estate.

"I’ll fly back there to the old house first thing in the morning," Grandma Li told Huang Yuyan. Then she sniffed in cold derision. "They’re just the branch families. Do they really think that they could control my grandson, the head of the family and Jin Corporation? Preposterous! If my husband was alive, he would be decisive and cut them off immediately. The Jin family only needs loyal people. If they can’t support their own head’s choices, then they don’t deserve to remain members of our family!"

"But Mother...many of them are members of Jin Corporation’s board of directors..." Huang Yuyan said.

"Hmph! So what?! If I need to, I’ll forcefully buy all of the assets they own in the company! Let’s see if they can still flap their mouths against my grandson! I’m still the matriarch of the family and my husband was one of the founders of Jin Corporation. I have my own wealth! And if I still don’t have enough, I’ll just take a loan from that old gorilla. Brother Jianhong adores Xiulan. I’m sure it’ll also anger him once he learns about what these branch families are saying about our favourite granddaughter."

Huang Yuyan felt comforted after hearing Grandma Li’s words. Her earlier panic slowly disappeared, replaced by calmness and determination instead.

"Mother, I don’t think you need to buy their assets," she told Grandma Li. "My eldest son is a great leader. I’m sure that he can solve this situation better than us. Let’s trust in him. And besides, Xiulan is not defenceless either. Let’s not forget that she’s Uncle Jianhong’s student, not to mention that she’s also enrolled at Cross Academy. All of these alone already make her more than qualified to be our family’s next Madam. In fact, I don’t think our family deserves someone as special as her."

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