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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 106 - Envoy Of Light And Dark


C106 - Envoy Of Light And Dark

Chapter 106 - Envoy Of Light And Dark

The emcee once again stood on the stage, dressed in full "Rebirth" merchandise of T-shirt, sweatpants, head cap, and wristbands. His hair was still slightly damp from the quick shower he took to clean up the filth of raw eggs and urine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the moment that we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! Although we’ve experienced such an unexpected and shocking event today, resulting on this launch party to be on the verge of getting canceled, everything worked out fine in the end. I wish for the injured people to get well soon. Ah, that was such a scary experience! I hope that everyone―"

"Shut up, emcee!"

"I’ve h-had enough of t-this! I have s-stage fright and I s-stutter but I think that I’ll b-be a better emcee than this ch-chatterbox!"

The audience complained one after another, displeasing the representatives from JJ’s record label and Bright Summit. They glared at the emcee.

The emcee cleared his throat and smiled bitterly. Seeing the audience getting rowdy once again, he was reminded of what he just went through earlier. He remembered all the raw eggs and urine he had to wash off and shuddered. Feeling traumatized, he didn’t dare dilly-dally any longer.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, the one and only, our beloved boss, Miss Iris Long!!!"

Everyone stood up and gave a deafening applause to Iris who made another grand entrance.

"You’re so beautiful, boss!"

"Boss is so cool!"

"Uwah! She looked at me! Boss actually looked at me!" The overexcited girl fainted but woke up a few seconds later, only to continue fangirling like nothing happened. And yes, she did faint. For real.


"I love you, boss!"


Iris blinked, puzzled, but continued to smile and wave at the audience. Did Dom clone himself or something? Why was everyone calling her boss? Was this a new trend that she wasn’t aware of? She didn’t understand.

She set aside her confusion for now. It was time to perform. She sat in front of the piano, flexing her hands. She looked at her band, the backup singers, and the symphony orchestra, and then nodded.

A now familiar mournful piano melody reverberated. All of the Black Stars fan club members stood up and cheered even louder.

Then Iris opened her mouth and harmonized her voice with the piano melody. It was such a full, emotional, and beautiful sound that many of the audience were already tearing up. The symphony orchestra also began playing. The overall harmony gave everyone goosebumps.

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