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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 186 - Cuckoo Monster


C186 - Cuckoo Monster

Chapter 186 - Cuckoo Monster

Platinum Sky Condominium.

After their business lesson that day, Grandpa Lu invited Iris to go with him somewhere. He said that he wanted to introduce her to his dearest friend who was currently staying in the countryside. Iris had no reason to decline and she was also curious, so she agreed.

She followed him up to the rooftop where a private helicopter was already waiting for them. She was only momentarily surprised seeing a helipad on top of the building, but since this was Grandpa Lu’s property, she didn’t think it was that unusual.

The pilot greeted them and assisted the two of them into the helicopter. Grandpa Lu glared at the male pilot who tried to fasten Iris’ seat belt.

"No touching my granddaughter, boy!"

The poor pilot flinched at the sharp warning, but he was a professional and quickly recovered. He apologized before backing away.

Iris glanced at Grandpa Lu. Did he just call her his granddaughter?

"What?" Grandpa Lu asked, catching her looking at him. "You’re my student but I already consider you as my granddaughter. You’re already family to me. Besides, you’re already calling me Grandpa! What’s wrong with me calling you my granddaughter? I want to know!"

She felt touched by his words. "There’s nothing wrong, Grandpa Lu. Thank you."

"Ahaha! Good. Very good!" Then he personally helped her fasten her seat belt.

The pilot handed each of them aviation headsets before heading to the cockpit at the front. Grandpa Lu’s two bodyguards sat at the back.

Moments later, they were flying in the air.

Iris watched in fascination at the aerial view of the city she now called home. It was all concrete and modern buildings. Not really beautiful or breathtaking, but she imagined that it would be mesmerizing at night with all the city lights. Perhaps she would be able to see the aerial night view of the city later depending on what time they returned from wherever they were going.

"Xiulan my girl, I heard that you’re having trouble with some young socialites around your age? Why do they hate you so much? I want to know!" Grandpa Lu’s booming voice sounded over her headset.

She shrugged. "I’m not having trouble with them. I don’t even know most of them. Besides, there are many people who hate me. They’re not the first ones."

"Hmph! They’re just entitled brats who are jealous that you’re working for your own success when all they’re doing is waiting for their parents to drop dead so that they could start collecting their inheritance! Absolute garbage! Those socialites have always been a bunch of snobs!"

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