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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 201 - She Likes Me Very Much


C201 - She Likes Me Very Much

Chapter 201 - She Likes Me Very MuChapter

The next day, Hou Liang quit his office job. A couple of his friends also quit their jobs to join him. They all worked at the same company. Surprisingly, one of his friends was Wu Chen (a.k.a. iEatSlippers) who was an accountant.

Hou Liang and Wu Chen worked at the same company but in different departments. Hou Liang worked at the IT department; Wu Chen at the Finance Department.

When Hou Liang announced to his friends that he would quit his job to form his own gaming company with the help of a business partner, Wu Chen was the first one to follow him without asking any question. His other friend who was a programmer asked a few questions before following them. His other friends were hesitant to quit their jobs. However, they said that they would join him after he actually formed his company.

Hou Liang didn’t tell Wu Chen yet that Iris would be his new business partner. So Wu Chen had no idea that his new future boss would be Boss Iris.

Iris advised Hou Liang to stay put for now. She said that she still needed a few days to consult with her business mentor and financial manager.

In the meantime, Hou Liang and his programmer friend chose one of their most ambitious video game ideas to work on. The current sample they had was horrible and extremely skeletal because they didn’t have the resources or the manpower to even create a decent sample. With just the two of them, they couldn’t do much but they were determined to improve on their initial concept.

While the two were busy, Wu Chen logged online as iEatSlippers and once again led the Slippers Army to defend their Boss Iris’ name against the haters.


Iris just finished a magazine photo shoot and interview. Tang Yiyi, Dom and Jiang Ying Yue accompanied her. It went well and they were on their way to another interview, but this time on a music program at a cable TV channel.

Inside the executive van, Iris was busy completing translation exercises given by her two instructors.

Ring! Ring!

Tang Yiyi answered her phone.

Iris was very absorbed in what she was doing that Tang Yiyi’s phone conversation and Dom’s constant chatter failed to penetrate her concentration. It was only when she felt someone shaking her shoulder that she forced herself out of this flow state.


"Sorry to bother you, Iris," Tang Yiyi said. "But I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?"

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