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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 301 - Hey, It’s Me


C301 - Hey, It’s Me

Chapter 301 - Hey, It’s Me

"Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have all been waiting for has finally arrived. Performing the titular song of his new album for the first time on television, please welcome the one and only Jin Chonglin singing "Hey, It’s Me"!!!"

His army of fans went crazy. They cheered for him and unfurled huge banners saying, "Welcome back, Prince Lin Lin! Always #1!" They chanted his name. Many of them even burst into tears. They missed him so much.

He took a break for only a few months around the same time Iris Long disappeared but the way his fans were acting, it was as if he had been gone for years. His connection to his fans was definitely on a deeper level than what Iris had with the Black Stars. Many of them started following him way back since he debuted during his teens.

They literally watched him grow and develop into who he was now as one of the most successful artists in the country. As for the Black Stars, they only formed when Iris made her first comeback after recovering from coma.

Finally, Jin Chonglin appeared on stage. His get-up looked a lot more casual than what he usually wore in his performances before. Nevertheless, he still looked as handsome and charismatic as ever. His natural sex appeal was something that could never be taken away from him no matter how much he changed the way he dressed. At the moment, however, his sex appeal was toned down, overshadowed by a refreshing ease and gentleness in his countenance.

Another thing that was different from usual was that he was carrying a guitar slung across his shoulder. What was more, he had other musicians and a DJ performing with him. It seemed that he was going to play the music with actual instruments instead of performing a recorded track with his back-up dancers. He looked so different from the usual sexy and flashy Jin Chonglin.

He smiled at everyone as if seeing his old friends. Then he spoke to the microphone.

"Hey, everyone. It’s me, Jin Chonglin. How are you all doing? Thank you for welcoming me back. I also missed all of you. This song is very special for me because it reminds me of who I am as an artist, as a musician. I wouldn’t be the Jin Chonglin that I am today without music. So please listen. This is my voice, my music. This is for me and for you."

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and began strumming his guitar. The keyboardist harmonized with him, playing a relaxing melodious music. Then the DJ added a slow catchy hip hop rhythm.

Jin Chonglin opened his eyes and began singing in a smooth voice that seemed to cling to the listeners like warm and sweet caramel.

"The golden sun or the thunderous storm

Everything has music if you open your heart"

Then the beat slightly changed and he began semi-singing and semi-rapping in a wonderful pop-rap tune.

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