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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 156 - Little Jun


C156 - Little Jun

Chapter 156 - Little Jun

Gold Heights Condominium.

The mouth-watering smell of bacon and eggs permeated the kitchen. Everyone sat around the kitchen island while the cook and Yi Mei served them food.

Iris and Jin Liwei sat together on one side. Dom and Meimei sat on the other side. Their nonstop chatter livened up the atmosphere. Meimei regularly slept over whenever she had no classes.

Jiang Ying Yue sat on another side with her one-year old son, Long Jun. The child sat on a high chair. A nanny was beside them. Everyone in the penthouse immediately fell in love with the toddler when they saw him for the first time. He looked a lot like his father, Long Hui.

Because Jiang Ying Yue lived quite far from the penthouse, Iris arranged for a two-bedroom unit for her and her son right in the same condo building. Jiang Ying Yue tried to decline the offer, knowing that she could never afford the price of living in this wealthy area.

But Iris told her, "Don’t decline. It’s not for you. I already bought it as a gift for my first nephew. The unit is under Little Jun’s name and will be officially transferred to him once he reaches the age of majority. And it’s more convenient that you move here so that you can come quickly whenever I need you."

Jiang Ying Yue didn’t have any reason to reject Iris’ generous offer, especially since it was all for her son.

"I also arranged for a nanny to care for Little Jun when you’re working," Iris added. "The nanny’s salary is paid for by my brother."

Jiang Ying Yue opened her mouth to protest but Iris raised her hand to stop her.

"If you have any objections about him paying for his son’s nanny, go talk to him," Iris said. "Like I said before, your relationship with my brother is none of my business. I won’t tell you what to do, but don’t forget that my brother is your son’s father. I’m also your son’s aunt. All we want is the best for Little Jun. But of course, you’re the mother so we’ll respect your decisions regarding your own child."

In the end, Jiang Ying Yue decided to accept the siblings’ offers. After all, they were all for her son. Iris’ words managed to penetrate through her pride. Despite this, she still felt a little resistant to accepting help from other people. She felt that she could do everything by herself as long as she worked hard enough.

Her relationship with Long Hui was a big mistake, but the fruit of their mistake was the biggest blessing in her life. She would never regret giving birth to her son, Long Jun. Her son completed her existence. She still didn’t want to have anything to do with Long Hui, but she could never deny the fact that he was her son’s father. Iris was able to make her realize that she shouldn’t deprive her son the opportunity to be provided for by his own father. She still didn’t like it, but she would stop resisting so strongly because this was for her son’s sake.

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