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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 436 - A Very Special Announcemen


C436 - A Very Special Announcemen

Chapter 436 - A Very Special Announcemen

The Black Stars and Jin Chonglin’s army of fans chattered among themselves online. Of course, the LinRis shippers continued gushing about what they called the "music collaboration of the year".

"I wish it’s midnight already! Why is it taking so long? I’m already warming up my hands so that I can click lightning-fast on the download button for ’Shining Eyes’. Both Boss Iris and Prince Lin Lin announced that the first 100 verified people to purchase and download the song will receive special prizes!"

"Me too! Even though I have to get up very early tomorrow for work, I’m staying up late until midnight just to buy and download the song. I’m so excited!"

"Oh, Boss Iris! Oh, Prince Lin Lin! Why did you decide to release your song at midnight?! I’m already feeling very sleepy. I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep before midnight. Sob sob."

"I don’t think it was Boss Iris and Prince Lin Lin who decided it. I bet it was JJ—that evil ogre—who made the decision to release the song at midnight. We already know that man is a sadist!"

Of course, CaptainBlackStar and LittlePhoenix also joined in the discussions. They hyped their fellow Black Stars and encouraged them to help boost the streaming views once the song was released. Even MrsLovePhantom and her three friends JJNumber1Fan, JJNumber2Fan and JJNumber3Fan were online and showed their support.

An hour before midnight, both Monkeyface and iEatSlippers surprisingly came online as well and joined their fellow Black Star members after a long time of absence. Their status within the Black Stars fandom had risen after they appeared on TV and was introduced as the CEO and CFO of Planet Monkey. They were treated like celebrities, especially among the hardcore gamers. These gamers almost worshipped the two of them for creating such an awesome game, "Supreme Ascension", which was still continuing to gain popularity in the gaming community.

iEatSlippers: "I know that I’m amazing but forget that I Am Slipperlord for tonight. Right now, I’m just your bro iEatSlippers supporting our Boss Iris with my mighty slippers!"

Similarly, Jin Chonglin’s army of fans didn’t lose to the Black Stars in terms of supporting their Prince Lin Lin. In fact, they were certainly more experienced than the Black Stars in mobilizing their troops. They even organized slumber parties, just so they could all wait together for the midnight release of the song as a group.


As soon as the clock turned 12 o’clock, all of these people clicked so fast on the download button, hoping to be among the first 100 people to purchase it. Not even a second passed since the song was officially released, but the first 100 people were already exclaiming in triumph while the 101th person cursed her bad luck.

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