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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 686 - Parental Quality

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C686 - Parental Quality


Chapter 686 - Parental Quality

Lu Zihao’s suggestions for the prenuptial agreement were heavily favourable to Iris. The most prominent clauses he suggested were as follows:

Iris would receive US$10 million for every child she had with Jin Liwei.

If Jin Liwei ever cheated on Iris, he would pay her US$50 million as compensation.

In the event of a divorce, Jin Liwei would need to pay hefty child support to all of their children which would equal to 65% of his total monthly income. As a billionaire on a global level, this was a HUGE amount of money every month.

Also, he would need to pay US$900 million in alimony to Iris. Lu Zihao actually wanted at least US$1 billion but Kang Huizhong, Jin Liwei’s lawyer, strongly opposed when the amount reached the billion-dollar mark. However, Lu Zihao didn’t back down and wouldn’t allow anything lower than 900 million.

After the divorce, Iris would get full custody of their children while Jin Liwei would only be awarded with limited visitation rights. This arrangement was just like the results of Jiang Ying Yue and Long Hui’s custody battle for Little Jun that both Iris and Jin Liwei’s expressions turned dark upon hearing it.

There were other clauses in the prenuptial agreement but these were the major ones that elicited the greatest reactions from not only the couple but also Dom and Qiao Yu. Hong Shaoqiang and Kang Huizhong saw their reactions but kept their expressions professional and neutral while continuing to painstakingly read and explain each of the clauses.

Kang Huizhong was especially feeling conflicted at the content of the prenup. As Jin Liwei’s lawyer, of course he would prioritize his own client’s interests over anyone else. This kind of prenup which placed his client at a severe disadvantage made him extremely unhappy. He attempted to block and change almost all of the clauses in order to make them more favourable to Jin Liwei but unfortunately, Lu Zihao was surprisingly a force to be reckoned with during the drafting of the prenup. He knew exactly what he wanted and was determined to get it, only allowing very minor adjustments to his suggested clauses no matter how hard the lawyers tried dissuading him.

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