Feast: Part 3

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The bus driver swerves the bus, blocking the sentimonster's path for a moment while the driver got out and Fu gained some distance. Sadly it didn't last long as the sentimonster simply ate the bus and continued the chase. We pull off to the side to ask Officer Roger to help with protecting Fu for as long as he could. "Ok, I'll help but ride on the side of the road before you get hurt," we go after Fu again while Roger blocks the road with his car and yells at the sentimonster.

While that held the sentimonster back we recruited André to help and we ride on his ice cream cart and start throwing scoops of ice cream at the sentimonster. "Have a taste of this, some explosive banana split from Banana Noir." "Much tastier than any miraculous." "And digestible to boot!" The three of us yell at it while it licks the ice cream off its face.

"André we're outta ammo," I say when the sentimonster shoots its tongue at us, grabbing the ice cream cart as we jump away. "Thanks for your help André now get somewhere safe, we'll handle this," Ladybug says before turning her attention to the sentimonster.

"Leave them alone1 I'm the one you've been wanting for the past 172 years!" Master Fu yells as he skids up on his bike. "Looking for this?" He holds up the miracle box, distracting the sentimonster while he handed us three of our miraculous. Thank you, Master Fu! We each run off in separate directions to transform. "(y/n)!" Flaake exclaims happily as I pull her in for a hug. "I missed you too Flaake but right now Master Fu needs us. Flaake Freeze!" We get back to Fu just in time as Ladybug catches him with her yoyo before the sentimonster ate his bike and thankfully he had the miracle box.

"Thank you," He puts on his miraculous and throws his helmet away. "Come on Wayzz, Shell OW!" He goes to transform before wincing in pain as his back cracks. "Master your back, you know you're too old to be playing superheroes," Wayzz says worriedly and Ladybug instructs him to hide with the miracle box before we jump down to deal with the sentimonster and start dodging its tongue. We attack it with our weapons as LB tells us, "We have to find its amok!"

"Except for this sentimonster isn't carrying any baggage!" "Not to mention I don't feel like betting ourselves off on the off chance his stomach is a bag," I chime in, rolling out of the way of a car that the sentimonster caught. "LUCKY CHARM!" I hear Ladybug shout as she gets out of the way of a fight. "Guess we're keeping hungry here busy," Chat jokes as we lead it away from Ladybug as she runs toward Fu. We both go in for an attack but it proceeds to eat both my spear and Chat's staff. "Rude," I huff out as Chat calls for Ladybug. "Hurry M'lady! This thing already swallowed both our staff and spear whole!"

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