Sandboy: Part 4

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Chat and I run away from the two and his ring beeps, reminding us we don't have much time. "We need to figure out a plan fast," Chat says, coming to a stop when Sandboy flies in front of us, demanding the miraculous. We turn around to see Fake-bug blocking the path. "So you wanna play hide and seek? Hand over your miraculous!" Fake-bug jumps for us and we push her back with our staff/ spear as Chat calls out, "I'm about to transform back, any ideas?!"

"Looking! Quick we've gotta lure her over here," She grabs our shoulders and pulls us back and Chat and I began taunting the nightmare. "You don't scare us!" "Yeah, you're nothing but a stupid dream!" "You'll be kitty and bear pibble before you know it!" She lunges for us yet again and we move out of the way, the tip of her sword breaking off which Ladybug grabs and starts rushing toward Sandboy. She jumps in the air and seeing what was going on I summon my ice storm and create an ice wave for her to ride on to reach Sandboy. LB uses the broken tip to tear open the pillow while Chat grabs LB and the ice catches Sandboy as he slides into my arms and I meet up with the two on the ground.

"Miraculous ladybug!" Ladybug fixes everything before we pound and she de-evilizes the akuma. Once done we approach the confused little boy. "What was that all about little guy?" "Oh Ladybug! I watched a scary movie on tv then I went to bed and had a nightmare. I woke up and there was a black butterfly in my room and a weird man spoke right in my face," The boy explained, hugging Ladybug tightly.

"Hawkmoth...Of course, he fed off the negative emotions of a nightmare," I sigh out, crossing my arms and Chat shakes his head. "That's what happens when you let kids watch anything on tv," His ring beeps again and he gives it a panicked looking before taking off, quickly stopping when LB calls out to him.

"Chat Noir! Do you think I'm as awful as that nightmare do you?" "Of course not, compared to her, you're a dream," With that, he takes off and she turns to me. "What about you?" "I know you'll never make me give up my miraculous and even though I'm still not entirely sure I should have it...I'm facing that fear every day and getting better," We take the kid back home and went straight to Master Fu's place to explain. 

From what we heard, Chat had stopped by himself to ask what was going on, once Master Fu knew Chat had nothing to do with it, he let him off the hook but told him to stick around so he could scold Plagg with us. So Marinette, Tikki, Plagg, Wayzz, Flaake, and I stood before an upset Master Fu. 

"It's all my fault master," Wayzz tries to take the blame. "No, it's ours," Mari and I interject before Flaake and Tikki interject as well, "No it's ours." "Yeah that's true, it's their fault," Plagg says smugly and we all give him a blank stare before Tikki apologizes. "You and (y/n) trusted us and we failed, we're sorry we disappointed you." "What? We're not disappointed in you, you did what you could and that's all that matters," I tell her and Mari pulls her in for a hug stating, "We will always trust you," I also give Flaake a hug and they return the hug as Master Fu tells us, "Next time come talk to me first," With that, we head home and finally go to bed.

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