Miraculer: Part 3

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I get up with a groan, at least we know where she's head so the three of us can meet back up again. If Chat Noir can move anyway. I look back to where I was shot from with a worried look before heading near the hotel. When I get there Ladybug was already there waiting for us. "Where's Chat Noir?" She asks when she sees me. "Probably will take longer to get here if at all he was hurt pretty badly after Miraculer stole our powers too," She gives me a worried look and begins to ask what happened when Chat appears, stumbling a bit as he lands and we catch him. "So what's the plan, M'lady?" He asks a bit weakly.

She explains how she needed everyone including Chloé to defeat Miraculer. "Are you sure?" "This might be her last mission but we definitely need her this time," Chat takes the bee miraculous and goes to head out but quickly faceplants into the roof and I help him up while Ladybug asks, "Chat Noir are you ok?!" "It's nothing, I just got Cataclysmed in the ribs. I'll be fine." "I promise you kitty we'll get our powers back and I'll heal you." "Can't wait," I lightly grab his waist and pull him close while my spear extends. "I'm going with you," When we get there we find Chloé and Miraculer talking. "Chloé," Chat Noir says, offering the miraculous before I could protest when a woman snatches it and lands next to Miraculer. She wore purple tights, black boots, a bluish-purple dress-like coat with fur at the end of her sleeves and neck, the bottom of the cape looking like peacock feathers, and a peacock feather-like cocktail hat rested on the side of her blue hair. Her skin was blue with her eyes being blue and purple, a fan made of matching peacock feathers wresting in her other hand.

There was no doubt about it, this was the peacock miraculous, I spot the broach in the middle of her chest and I glare hard at her. Whoever this woman was had my miraculous and was using it to help Hawkmoth for whatever messed up reason. "Who are you?" I growl at her and she smirks. "I'm Mayura," She then looks at Chloé. "If you team up with us your dream will finally come true." "Don't worry, she's with Hawkmoth and me," Miraculer reassures when Chat speaks up. "Watch out your dream sounds more like a nightmare to me." "You two will be the ones living the nightmare kitty," Miraculer threatens as they get in a defensive position.

I pull Chloé back so she could hide when Miraculer summons a lucky charm and a cataclysm. Soon she was shooting cataclysms at us with a hair dryer. Chat Noir pushes me out of the way of a shot and gets hit again, soon falling to the ground while I rush up to him, he was getting hurt too much. "We wouldn't be in this situation if you guys had gotten me sooner!" Chloé yells at me and I tell her. "Not helping, things will be explained later." "But if I had my miraculous I could be helping you and we would've floored those two by now." She continues to argue before it goes strangely quiet, please all mighty let there be no third villain. Miraculer summons her lucky charm sword again with cataclysm added onto it and starts swinging it at me. I dodge a few times before jumping back, I couldn't even get close to her without getting attacked or hurt...

"Sabrina, I changed my mind. I do want Ladybug's power. They should've gotten me sooner but since they chose not to, I've decided I'd rather play with you instead," Chloé suddenly says, approaching Miraculer and I glare because if I tried to attack or pull Chloé back Mayura would attack. Even then she still did, she charged straight for Chat Noir who had just managed to stand up and was leaning on his staff. I intercept her with my knives as I growl at her, "Don't be dumb enough to try," Our weapons clash as we fought when out of the corner of my eye I see that Miraculer had given LB her power back with help from Rena Rouge as she and Carapace walk up.

"You confused me for a pathetic illusion?! And you claim to be my best friend!" Chloé yells just as I'm kicked back and Mayura holds down a hand with her foot as she reached down for my glove. LB throws her yoyo at Mayura sending her into a chair as I get up and tell Ladybug who was looking conflicted on who to deal with, "She's mine," Mayura tries to make her escape when Chat Noir throws his staff at her making her drop the bee miraculous which LB catches. "Lost something?" She still makes her escape and LB throws the comb at Chloé. "Chloé follows her, she's probably going back to Hawkmoth!" "You won't regret this Ladybug!" Queen Bee takes off and Ladybug tells me to go with her I nod and chase after the two as well.

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