Gorizilla: Part 4

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Gorizilla chases after Chat Noir who taunts him as he leads the giant ape to the spot he needed to be. "CATACLYSM!" The ground breaks and Gorizilla falls through, I jump down shouting "ICE STORM!" And freeze him in place just as Ladybug instructed while she searched for the akuma. A minute later and everything is fixed as usual and the three of us pound it. "Adrien are you ok?!" LB calls out to the boy and Chat reassures her he was fine. She waves goodbye to him and takes off, thanking her kitty for the help.

I give Chat a smile as I tell him "You came in the nick of time before I take off heading straight home, hoping Luka wasn't too worried about me. Knowing him he'd head straight to the bakery once he knows that Paris is safe. "Oh (y/n), Tikki, I went to the movies with Adrien! It's the best day of my life!" Marinette squeals instantly before I smirk and correct her.

"Correction you went on a double date to the movies with Adrien, Luka, and me in your pajamas, wearing swimming goggles and a towel," Mari blinks as she processes the information before falling face first into her pillow. "I did! UGH! This is the worst day of my life!" She doesn't get to cry about it for long as her phone rings, it was Alya. "Ok girls, we all saw the pics online but we're totally lost. We need you to spill!" Alya exclaims as the rest of the girls crowd the screen.

"Right, not surprised. I'll just change and we'll be right over. Wait where are you?" "At the swimming pool, we're still waiting!" "Sorry, Mari but you're on your own for explaining I've got a date to get back to," I state, waving my phone as it displayed Luka's caller ID. I walk downstairs and answer the phone. "Hello." "(y/n)! You're ok, right?" "Yeah, are you? I lost you at the movie theater. When I couldn't find you I figured you had gone off to safety so I did the same," I exit the bakery to see him waiting for me and he pulls me in for a hug which I return. He was so overprotective it was adorable.

"So how about we continue that date?" I offer with a smirk which he returns with a smile and a nod as he grabs my hand we head to the ice rink. It was great, there weren't a lot of people around but that was fine with me as I showed Luka the basics/ Luka and I stumbled around on the ice trying to not fall. Eventually, we were holding on to each other's arms to stay upright before Luka slipped and he pulled me down with him, leaving me laying on top of him, faces inches apart when he lets out a chuckle.

"You know if you wanted to kiss me all you had to do was ask," He teases only laughing harder as my face goes red and I start hammering my fists in his chest lightly yelling at him to shut up. But for the rest of the date, we were thankfully unbothered but I will forever remember this as the most chaotic date I've ever been on.

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