Frightingale: Part 2

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Clara makes her way over when suddenly she trips over her own feet and tumbles to the ground, the snacks flying everywhere. Quickly Marinette and I step out of line to help, Marinette helping her off the ground while I picked up the snacks, both of us asking her if she was ok. "There you both are! Here's a hug because you're (s/n) and Ladybug!" Clara exclaims excitedly, pulling us both in for a hug and we quickly deny it as panic started to take over. "What? No! We have no idea what you're talking about!" "What gives you that idea?" We blurt out and she pulls us to our feet and starts dancing with us.

"You did what they would have, just the same, your hearts are pure like theirs, what're your names?" "M-Marinette." "And I'm (y-y/n)," We both stutter out as Clara gets down on one knee and asks us "Marinette and (y/n), won't you say it so? Will you please play Ladybug and (s/n) in my video?" The girls cheer for us, telling us to do it, even Luka was giving us an encouraging nod. Mari looks over at Adrien who was smiling at her and I could see her go into daydream mode, I quickly jab her with her elbow and shake my head no subtly. As much as I would love to play myself for the video it was still a big risk even if there was magic preventing people from figuring out our identities it was better safe than sorry. "I'm sorry Miss. Nightengale, it's very sweet of you to ask and we're huge fans but," I start to say when Mari finishes my thought.

"We came here to be extras with our friends and we'd like to stay with them," Clara gives us an understanding smile and leads us to a trailer stating "That's a pity, a shame...But I understand it's true. That's a very cool gesture, very hero-like of you two. Just sit over here for make-up ok? I'll ask your friends to be sent over right away," We thank her as she goes to collect our friends. "Good job not giving into the temptation," Tikki compliments before ducking back into Mari's purse as the girls come rushing up for a group hug calling us crazy.

"Such a shame, I think you would've looked good in an (s/n) costume," Luka flirts with me, sending a wink my way, causing me to blush for the billionth time in front of him as I stutter out "It's just s-some silly costume..." "Doesn't change the fact you'd rock that silly costume," I kiss my teeth while jokingly giving him a glare, dang boy and his smooth moves. "Thank you all for coming, you can go home now," We suddenly hear Chloé as she comes in clapping with Sabrina at her heels. "Uh oh brat alert in the immediate vicinity," Alya grumbles as we stare Chloé down. She was obviously here for the Ladybug role because she was wearing a Ladybug costume with a wig, Sabrina was dressed the same but in an (s/n) costume and wig. "Don't worry, knowing Nightengale, Chloé and Sabrina don't stand a chance of being chosen," Marinette reassures us and I can't help but raise an eyebrow and smirk as I sarcastically say "Wow, I have to bow before such wisdom," I take a mock bow.

"That's right, from now on, it's Master Dupain-Cheng," We all laugh before tuning back in onto what was happening on stage. Which leads to Chloé and Sabrina's audition. Everyone watches in awe as the two perform gymnastics, separately and together. They knew gymnastics?! "Eight years of private glasses with an Olympic gold winner, I know I'm breathtaking," Chloé gloats. "You've both definitely got enough talent for me. But you two and Chat Noir have to be a good trio you see," Carla points out and Chloé pulls Adrien in for a hug.

"No problem, Adriekins and I have known each other since we were little." "Plus the three of us have been hanging out for a couple of years now. Not to mention we're classmates," Sabrina points out as well. Clara turns to a tablet with Gabriel Agreste on it, he had once again sent his assistant Natalie to take care of business through a call after the mayor pointed out the son of a famous fashion designer and the mayor's daughter of Paris would be just perfect. "What do you think Gabriel?" "Artistically speaking the girl in pigtails and her friend would've been the ideal option but it's time to start filming. We'll make do with Miss Bourgeois and her friend."

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