Troublemaker: Part 2

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"I'm going to be a laughing stock at school, online, and all over town and worst of all Adrien will never talk to me again! This is a disaster! A disaster!" Marinette sobs in my lap while Tikki, Flaake, and I try to get her to calm down. "Just take a deep breath Marinette, everything's gonna be ok," Tikki reassures her and she looks up at the kwamiis with a hopeful smile. "Really?" "Well yeah. It's too late to do anything about it since the show is live," Flaake responds only causing Mari to burst into more tears shouting how this was all a disaster and I shoot Flaake a blank stare. "Really Flaake? We had just started to get her to calm down..."

"I bet everyone is already laughing at me..." Mari groans and I shake my head. "I doubt it, I bet they're all just confused," I say before I get an idea. Moving over to her computer, I pull up the show and its rating to see new reviews with mixed comments about what was going on or complaints that the show was randomly cut. "See? Everyone's just confused," I show her the ratings which seemed to calm her down when...

 "We'd rather not continue!" We suddenly hear and I pop back on the show to see what was going where we see Sabine and Tom expressing their displeasure that they had gone snooping around their daughter's room and upsetting Marinette when Sabine grabs a peel and points it at Mr. Ross demanding an apology. "Darling what happened?"

Tom asks, rushing up when we see Bob get hit with a guitar that suddenly lands in Tom's hands. "Hey! Are you looking for trouble?!" "I can pretend that this isn't bothering me but you're going too far, mister!" The two get in each other's faces, only confusing us more. What exactly was going on down there? From there only more chaos seemed to ensue as another bag of flour seemed to topple onto Jagged before Alec collapsed onto him, a door slammed shut and the store's lockdown mode activated before more things started flying through the air.

That's when we see her. A woman in a black suit with pink explosions on the side outlined in white a skull and crossbones on her chest a ripped short sleeved Magenta jacket outlined in pink with the explosion design looking bracelets. A white face with black surrounding the eyes, earrings, and a white and pink mohawk. A purple pen in her hand with a skull for the clicking part. "Hello Jagged," She says pulling him close. He understandably jumps away asking "Who are you? Where's Penny?" He calls out for Penny.

"There's no more Penny to deal with all your problems Jagged. From now on there's only Troublemaker!" Troublemaker clicks her pen and she goes invisible, presuming intangible as well. "I'll make your life nothing but trouble," She laughs as Mari asks "Penny?" "She must've been trying so hard to please everyone that she became a perfect victim for Hawkmoth. Shooting the show here was not a fully thought-out plan."

I say before we both transform. Troublemaker proceeds to kick Jagged to the floor as he tells her "Penny stop! It's not rockin' roll," He sneezes out and she grimaces. "I hate rock and roll. I only love chaos and you'll be my number one hit," She then notices Alec trying to film her. "Show's over people," The show cuts out. We head up to the roof to look for Chat where we see him already on the scene, being thrown into a van by Troublemaker.

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