Glaciator: Part 3

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"Wow, I've never seen the sensitive side of Chat Noir before," Tikki comments and Marinette nods. "Yeah, maybe I was wrong about him." "Well, now you know a little more about him now that you finally gave him the date he wanted," I tease, and I'm met with a glare. "I did not go on a date with him." "Which is why you went with him to see the special surprise he prepared just for you. That's a date and you're still Ladybug the girl he wants to date whether he knows your identity or not," Before she can retort back I transform and tell her to hurry up and take off into the night.

By the time we tracked down Glaciator, we watched Chat be flung through the air. The only thing stopping him from faceplanting was Ladybug's yoyo coming to his rescue. "Hello kitty, did the bad guys leave you cold?" Ladybug quips as he looks to see me and her soon giving her an annoyed stare. "How was your amazing evening with your friends?" We both give him a confused look, he seriously can't be mad at her for not showing up after telling him she might not. "I've never tasted superhero flavor before. I can't wait to serve myself a triple scoop," Glaciator says, shooting at the bystanders running through the streets, turning them into ice cream.

After directing the unharmed bystanders to safety we peek around the corner while Glaciator searched for us. "Come out now or I'll bury Paris in an entire layer of ice cream!" "The ice cream seems to come out of his hand and before André got akumatized he served his ice cream by using a uh...whatcha-ma-call-it!" LB observes and Chat and I exchange looks before I tell her "What you're thinking of is an ice cream scooper, that must be where the akuma is."

"It's been a ball but now it's time to turn you into popsicles once and for all!" Glaciator shouts as he rounds the corner forcing the three of us to go to high ground before we watch him leave a couple alone. Guess he's still a sucker for romance. "That's interesting, he seems to be leaving the couples alone." "Too bad for us..." "You don't understand, we know he doesn't attack couples so we could pretend." Ladybug suggests and Chat narrows his eyes. "Pretend?" "To be in love." "Sorry Ladybug it's not cool to play with other people's feelings," He tells her before he takes off to set up his own trap. "What has gotten into that cat?" LB groans and I cross my arms stating "You still don't get it, do you? It amazes me it took you this long to realize Chat Noir is in love with you. I'd tell you what the problem is with that but it gets tiring for me or Tikki to always be the one teaching you a lesson. Learn it yourself this time."

My attention turns to Glaciator as Chat cuts him in half with his staff just for the ice cream to stick back together and Chat flung into a wall. "Come on," LB instructs and we jump down, spinning our weapons to prevent Chat from being turned into a frozen treat. "Are you upset because I didn't show up?" "What do you think?" "I didn't mean to hurt you," Glaciator jumps toward us, causing us to fall back and Chat Noir continued. "I had a surprise for you too." "I really am sorry!" Chat looks at her as if he's thinking before letting out a sigh.

"No, I am, you said you might not come, and (s/n) told me not to get my hopes up but I did and I have no right to be mad because you had other plans. I just really wanted you to be there, maybe another time though," Ladybug gives him a frown as he peeks over the car. "Should we try your couple idea if Chat doesn't want to pretend to be in love with you, I can." "No it's fine, let's do it," Chat says and before they walk out in the open I'm told to be ready to attack. I watch as Ladybug interlocks her arm with his and they start acting lovey-dovey, the purple butterfly hovering over Glaciator's face. Probably being yelled at to shoot. Once close enough Ladybug throws her yoyo into the monster before exclaiming "I hit something inside! André hasn't turned into the monster he's inside it!" Glaciator goes strike when I call out for them to look out, Chat and I use our staff/spear to slice him off of his feet.

"What do we do now?" Chat Noir asks once we're behind cover. "We gotta get Glaciator's akuma before all these people totally melt away," Ladybug answers before calling upon her lucky charm. Down comes a motorcycle helmet. "Looks like someone's going for a ride," Chat jokes and I join in on it. "Where we going?" "I need you two to grab three signposts to your staff, we're gonna make a propellor."

She runs up to a motorcycle and we follow and we grab what she needs. "(s/n), make a wall for us to hide behind!" "ICE STORM!" I created the ice wall just as Glaciator rounded the corner. I keep it up while Chat and LB make their propellor. They finish and Ladybug uses her yoyo to hold him in place as he targets the ice wall. LB revs up the bike and calls out to Chat. "Ready kitty?!" "CATACLYSM!"

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