Malediktator: Part 1

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"How's your trip been?" "It's been great, Lille is an amazing city, wish you could see how it looks at night. Tomorrow we're gonna go see the Colonne de la Déesse," Luka explains, he was currently out of town so I hadn't seen him in a while only really being able to call him. Thankfully he'd be back from his class trip soon. "Sounds fun," I start to say when the bell rings. "Oop, class is about to start, I gotta go, see you when you get back," I say goodbye, and earn one before heading into class. Today we would be having presentations of important historical figures of France.

"Welcome to my secret lair. I may be a superhero but I'm always happy to share my thrilling life with all my fans. Like today my dear friend Ladybug showed up to ask me for advice," Chloé's voice rings out as the video she puts on of Chloé TV starts to play showing her in a Queen Bee costume, sitting at a table with a bee-themed table set with cardboard computers surrounding the area. The camera pans to Chloé wearing a Ladybug costume. "I admire Queen Bee so much, she's shown me what being a superhero is all about and always fixes the messes Chat Noir, (s/n), and I get in all the time." "Oh please, you would do the same for me." "Come on, like you would ever cause a mess." "You're right," The two Chloé's started laughing and it was at this point the class had enough. "That's not Ladybug! That's just you Chloé!" Ivan calls out and everyone starts laughing because it was so obvious

"Of course, that's the real Ladybug!" "But Chloé could you tell us why you chose to do an assignment about yourself- Queen Bee?" Ms. Bustier asks. "Well our assignment was to choose an important person in French history and I actually saved France. Even Ladybug says so," Chloé answers, soon playing the video again, mouthing along with the audio. "Queen Bee really makes us stronger. She truly is miraculous!" "Chloé it's so obvious that's you dressed up as Ladybug, you didn't even bother to match her hair color."

Alya points out because indeed she hadn't even put on a Ladybug wig. "She just...Dyed her hair blonde to look like me," Chloé lies and the class starts laughing again as I ask, "What about the fact she sounds exactly like you?" Chloé lets out a growl as she returns to her seat, grumbling, "You're all a bunch of losers! Except for you Adriekins. None of you deserve to see the rest of my documentary," At this point, we all hear Marinette sigh out sarcastically, "What a shame..." She covers her mouth when the class bursts out laughing again, including Sabrina. "I saw you laughing with the other idiots. You're fired!" "I betrayed my best friend!" Sabrina cries out and I roll my eyes it was normal for best friends to laugh at and make fun of each other. 

"How could you not laugh Sabrina? The whole superhero sitch has totally gone to her head even though she was never a superhero," Alya exclaims, pulling up a video on the big screen of Ladybug calling Queen Bee out about paralyzing the metro driver. "She was the one who created that situation and the hero was still Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir." "She had superpowers for like five minutes and went totally out of control." "We might not 'deserve' to see your documentary but you don't deserve to be called a superhero," Alix and Mari chime in.

"What?! You will pay for your remarks Dupain-Cheng. This is ridiculous!" Chloé stands up and starts to storm out of the classroom. "Chloé class isn't over." "You're all ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!" Out she went and Mari sighs again. "Seriously? She'll never change," I lean close to her and jab her with my elbow as I whisper, "Not if you keep discouraging her by insulting her like that. Don't forget the only reason you got the bee miraculous back was because she took your advice to act like a hero and give it back."

The school day continues on like normal until lunch when a helicopter hovers over the school, we all rush out to the courtyard to see what was going on as Chloé leans out and starts throwing something out while shouting through a megaphone, "Hey there losers! I'm heading to New York with my mom. I'm leaving you all behind in your pathetic little school and your pathetic little city. Adieu!"

The helicopter flies off and we pick up the papers to see a photo of Chloé sticking her tongue out and winking while wearing an American flag hat in front of the Statue of Liberty. "Chloé's leaving? Forever?" Everyone starts mumbling before we all jump up in excitement, a party soon going underway. "Without Chloé around, Paris will be filled with a lot less negative emotions," Mari comments happily, Tikki nodding in agreement. "Plus fewer akumatizations." It was at this moment Adrien walked asking what was going on. "Chloé's gone! She's moving away to New York!" I exclaim happily and his smile drops. "Chloé left for good?" "Yeah, isn't it awesome?!" "I...Think it's terrible, I can't celebrate a thing like that."

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