Animaestro: Part 1

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"Ladybug's scared of cats and never trusted bears before but powerless without these two animals," The narrator for the new Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n) movie trailer said, Mari soon blinking in confusion as she said, "What? That's not true." "Chat Noir, (s/n), and Ladybug, three heroes facing their destiny. Coming soon to theaters," The trailer ends before cutting to the director Thomas ASTRUC. "The real heroes won't be able to make it to tonight's performance but I hope they'll love their movie as much as we love them."

He says and I frown slightly. The gesture was sweet but Thomas still wasn't my favorite person considering how he let the success of the movie get to his head, claiming his work was the pinnacle of entertainment and he didn't take criticism of any sort well. (Yes, I am calling out his online bs again) "We'll be the judge of that."

Mari exclaims and Tikki looks at us confused. "You guys turned down an invitation to the premiere?" "We're superheroes Tikki. Not stars, it's our job to protect the city not sit around at a movie premiere," Mari explains and I chime in with, "Exactly. We learned our lesson after Prime Queen." "Speaking of I think Nadja is covering the movie," Marinette says, switching over to the news to show she indeed was. "The premiere will be attended by many illustrious guests including the rockstar Jagged Stone, the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, and his teen idol son who voiced Chat Noir, Adrien Agreste."

Marinette instantly gets all pouty whining about how she should've said yes to going to the premiere. I roll my eyes as I drag her downstairs so we could eat lunch where we find her parents planning ahead for an event. "So we've got six hundred macaroons, eight hundred petit fours, and the Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir tiered cakes." "We should've hired more than just Luka to serve all these guests for the premiere. I can't help but fear he'll have too much work to handle for one person," Sabine voices her worries, catching both Mari's and my attention.

"Do you mean the premiere of the Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n) animated movie?" "Yes." "Me! Me, me, me!" Mari starts jumping around excitedly. "I can totally help you out with that," She proceeds to drop the dishes she was carrying and Tom catches them and her parents exchanged understandable unsure looks. "You mean as a...Server?" "Yes! I'll hand the macaroons out to Adrien- I mean to everyone not just Adrien because Adrien's not the only one who likes macaroons." She proceeds to grab the dishes and managed to tip over the fruit bowl so now she was trying to balance all of that. "The fact that Adrien is going to be there has nothing to do with it of course right?" Sabine asks, a knowing smirk on her face.

"Not a thing. I just want to help my wonderful sweet parents who I love soo much," Everything falls and crashes to the ground as she gives them a nervous smile. They again exchange worried looks. "You guys don't trust me...Then again I'm such a klutz even I wouldn't trust me," Mari says glumly as she starts picking everything up off the floor. "Of course, we trust you, sweetie. You're hired." Mari pulls her dad into a happy hug before dancing up to her room, crashing into something on the way up.

"We'll just make twice the amount of macaroons. Just in case," Sabine says and I speak up. "I'll help too, don't want Luka to be overworked." "Aww, such a sweet and loving girlfriend you are. Thank you (y/n), we appreciate it," I nod and head upstairs to find Mari already working on an outfit to wear. "Right! I can't forget about the amazing macaroon!" She pulls out a sealed and wrapped macaroon from her desk and Flaake deadpans as she asks "Don't you think your dad's eight hundred macaroons will be enough?" "No Flaake, this is for Adrien. He deserves a special macaroon to show him just how special he is...To me! Just picture it he's expecting a regular macaroon but I give him this macaroon. He takes one bite and says," It was at this point she was lost in la la land as she went off on an imaginary conversation with Adrien.

"Wait so this is why you bake a single macaroon every Sunday?" Flaake asks and Marinette nods. "Who knows when the perfect opportunity is going to come up and Adrien cannot have a stale macaroon." With that, I get her back to focusing on getting ready for the premiere since we would have to be there early to set up. Marinette ended up making herself a cute maid-like serving costume and serving costume for me as well.

"So put your thumbs here and look straight ahead," Tom directs Marinette with an empty tray, causing me and Luka to chuckle. Her parents were so worried about her tripping and making a mess. "Shouldn't there be macaroons on the tray?" "Yes, we'll put them on as soon as you're ready," Marinette gives them a pouting look telling them she was ready. Once they hand her the tray, the three of us start to make our way into the crowd when almost immediately, Marinette trips over her own feet. Luka grabs her arm and pulls her up so she didn't fall.

"Thanks." "Nice save," He nods to Marinette and turns to me. "It was really cool of you to offer to help so I wouldn't have too much of an overload. Of course, I'm just happy to spend the day with you," He says cupping my cheek before leaning in and whispering, "Not to mention how absolutely stunning you look in that outfit. You spoil me too much," My cheeks burn red at the compliment as I stutter out "Well I'm n-not the only one pulling out the stops today. Y-you in that fine suit, who's really spoiling who hear Mr. Handsome?" He gives me an amused smirk before leaving to serve the guests with a wink. I pout as he leaves, such a tease he was. I shake my head to focus and start making my rounds with the guests as well.

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