The Collector: Part 3

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Suddenly the stairs disappeared and we turn around to see The Collector giving us a sinister smirk. "Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n) you shall be the masterpieces in my new book of inspiration!" We start running around the room to avoid the book and Chat Noir gets in close to try and attack but ends up on the defensive as he blocks The Collector's arm and maneuvers around him to avoid being touched when he's backed into a corner. Quickly he pulls out his stick which the book touches but it gave Ladybug the time to use her yoyo to hold back The Collector's arm from touching Chat Noir.

She pulls him back and the three of us charge at him avoiding kicks and punches while trying to send our own and avoiding the flying book. The Collector goes to grab his book but Ladybug uses her yoyo to hold him back but we watch in disbelief as he manages to like use the force or something to bring the book back and manages to grab LB's yoyo. Great now all three of us had lost our weapons to him.

We head upstairs and take refuge in Adrien's room and block the door taking in a quick breather, Chat soon comments with a smile "This means that Gabriel Agreste can't possibly Hawkmoth since he's been akumatized." "You call Gabriel Agreste turning into The Collector good news?" Ladybug asks and I point out "But that does mean there's a high probability he isn't Hawkmoth since we don't know everything about the butterfly miraculous."

That's when Ladybug looks around noticing Adrien wasn't here. "Adrien's not here..." She trails off and Chat makes a suggestion that only worries LB more. "The Collector must've already captured him." "You think he'd take it out on his own son?!" "It's possible since it appears Adrien lost his book of inspiration-" I start to say when the door disappears. "You can't escape from me!" Ladybug starts to desperately look around soon mumbling to herself as we continue to dodge that annoying book. "But before I immortalize you. Allow me to seize your miraculous for Hawkmoth." "Chat Noir I need ammunition!" Ladybug suddenly shouts earning her a "What?!" "We're gonna complete his collection!" She responds, hopping to the upper level and pulling out a few discs, and grabs Chat's tail. "Very smart M'Lady. Quite ingenious." "Less talking more doing!" 

Chat Noir throws The Collector into the wall and LB calls out to me so I activate my power and freeze him into the wall while Ladybug builds her contraption with the foosball table, Chat's belt, and the pedal. Ladybug gives me a nod and I release the ice before hopping up to the second floor and helping Chat throw the discs onto the foosball table which thanks to LB's contraption shoots the discs at The Collector, filling up his book. The foosball table disappears and we watch the book touch Ladybug and nothing happens! "It's already full?!" The Collector asks flipping through the pages.

Before he can erase any of it LB kicks the book out of his hand which I grab and toss to Ladybug who sets the akuma free and does her thing. Ladybug and I start to pound it when Chat Noir races over to Mr. Agreste. "Are you ok fa- sir?!" "Chat Noir? Ladybug and (s/n)? What happened?" Mr. Agrest asks looking very confused.

"You were akumatized by Hawkmoth but it's over now," Chat explains. "Thank you to all three of you. Adrien! Where is my son?!" "If you didn't collect him he must be hiding somewhere," I state, and Ladybug nods. "Otherwise he would've appeared right here." "Nothing must happen to him, he's too precious to me." (Which is why you've only cared about his safety all of twice this entire series)

Our miraculous, beep and flash, signifying it was time to go, we wave goodbye and head out, Ladybug and I heading to Master Fu's to tell him what we learned. "So we're figuring Gabriel Agreste was akumatized he can't be Hawkmoth," Marinette finishes explaining and Master Fu hums in thought. "It's probable but how did you find out that Gabriel Agreste was the owner of the spellbook?"

Author: To all my fellow American women with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade no matter which side you're on I ask that you be more careful now for your safety against anything considering how dangerous things could get from this decision.

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