Desperada: Part 3

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"Awesome team alright," I suddenly hear Plagg say sarcastically as he flies up to us but before I could say anything Aspik tells him in an annoyed voice, "I just need a bit more time." "To do what? Charm Ladybug? You need to focus on defeating the villain," I open my mouth to ask if Adrien was Chat Noir-

As LB was explaining Adrien's powers he grabs hold of our wrists and drags us down one of the tunnels. "Trust me, we've been through this before." "Then shouldn't we wait for Chat Noir?" I ask, guessing from that response we'd done this more than once. "No need, we'll try a different exit this time." "So you've saved my life several times already? I knew-" She begins to swoon when he finishes her sentence about how we'd make an awesome team. Going up a different manhole we hide behind a van and we learn Adrien's superhero name: Aspik. "Aspik you really are a super-" Ladybug begins to say when Desperada attacks, capturing her. I push Aspik underneath the car before I'm hit and disappear in a puff of yellow smoke.




"Awesome team alright," Plagg sarcastically jokes and Aspik grits his teeth. "I know!" He shouts as he goes back once again and they try another route, again, and again, and again, and again. The number of times Aspik had to go back built up as every time Ladybug was captured and (s/n) either learned about his identity of being Chat Noir or got captured herself, protecting him and each time met with the same sarcastic response by Plagg. Even at one point, he tried admitting his identity as Chat Noir to them to see if it would change the outcome but it didn't. After the 25,913th time, Adrien just couldn't take it anymore.




"We now have five minutes. Within this time frame, you can go back in time as many times as you want-" Ladybug explains when Adrien de-transforms an absolutely exhausted-looking Sass lands in his hands. "It didn't work, I'm so sorry. I wasn't the right choice for you after all," Adrien apologizes, handing back the miraculous. I take it and put it on to at least feed Sass while LB goes in full denial about us failing. "No! You have to be the right snake. I must've done something wrong." "No, it's not you. I just can't protect you and in some scenarios, I couldn't protect (s/n) either. I can't save you." "We can try again." "No! I can't bear seeing Desperada capturing you every time anymore," At this point, I grew suspicious of how long he'd been doing it and I ask with slightly narrowed eyes. "How many times exactly have we been fighting Desperada?"

"It would have to be months by now, it was the 25,913th time, I just don't know what to do anymore and I can't take seeing you both getting captured, knowing I failed you both." "But who could possibly be the holder of this miraculous?" Ladybug asks and I tell her. "The person I was thinking of before you said you wanted to give it to Adrien," Before she could ask who, Luka runs up. "Hey! I see you found Adrien. I'm glad, I was so worried I couldn't just sit and hide," Before either Ladybug or Adrien could say anything I present the box holding the snake miraculous to Luka, stating with a determined smile, "Luka Couffaine, here is the miraculous of the snake which grants the power of Second Chance, you will use it for the greater good if you're willing."

He gives me a determined nod as he takes the box. "Once we succeed you must return the miraculous to me or Ladybug. Can we trust you?" "Desperada attacked my friends and family and even my girlfriend so if I can help you in any way I will," Ladybug then turns to Adrien and thanks him for saving our lives, and kisses him on the cheek before he runs off. Luka opens the box and I smile in nostalgia at his shocked reaction to his kwamii. Receiving a miraculous was definitely an amazing experience. "Greetings, my name is Sass and I'll be your kwamii," Sass introduces himself and explains his power before giving him the transformation words. Luka transforms with a Lyre and I can't help but take a slow shaky breath with my cheeks going pink, the snake suit really fitted him well.

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