Luka Chapter Twenty Six

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I was getting ready for my side job for the Dupain-Chengs because (y/n) had told me they needed help with an event and I had offered to serve for the event. My phone pings and I look over to see that Mrs. Dupain-Cheng had texted me. It said I could come a little later since Marinette and (y/n) had agreed to help as well which makes me smile as I pull out the nice tux I had gotten for events like this. Once I was ready I said goodbye to mom and my sister before heading out to the theater. When I get there the party was already in full swing and I walk over to see Mari's dad showing her how to hold a tray. My eyes trail over to (y/n) and I can't help but blush.

At this point, words can't explain how beautiful this woman is. After Marinette tells her parents she was ready, (y/n) and I grab our trays as well and start to make our way into the crowd when almost immediately, Marinette trips over her own feet. I react quickly and grab her arm, pulling her up so she wouldn't fall. Mari quickly thanked me and (y/n) compliments me. 

"It was really cool of you to offer to help so I wouldn't have too much of an overload. Of course, I'm just happy to spend the day with you," I tell her while cupping her cheek, an entertaining idea enters my mind that I couldn't resist so I lean in close and whisper "Not to mention how absolutely stunning you look in that outfit. You spoil me too much," I get the reaction I was hoping for as (y/n)'s face goes red, the most perfect sight I've ever seen.

"Well, I'm n-not the only one pulling out the stops today. Y-you in that fine suit, who's really spoiling who hear Mr. Handsome?" She shoots back, it was so adorable when she tried so hard to make me blush as well. Though I wasn't gonna give it to her that easily. I give her an amused smirk before heading to work and serving out the macaroons.

"So far so good," Tom sighs while handing me a new tray. I turn around to see Marinette standing in place, (y/n) shaking her head, looking up I see Adrien had arrived. That explains it when (y/n) walks up and whispers to me, "This is where we have to remind her to do her job." "Noted," I say while watching in amusement as Mari put a wrapped macaroon on the top of her tray mumbling to herself about how normal Adrien was to her before correcting herself and groaning how she was never gonna get it right. I snicker as immeaditley she looses her grip on the tray when Adrien waves at us and (y/n) had to catch it before macaroons spilled everywhere on the floor.

The only lost macaroon was the on Mari had put on the tray and she chases after it, (y/n) letting out a weary sigh at her friend's antics. I reach down and lightly squeeze her hand to cheer her up a bit and smile at her which she returns, making my heart flutter, seeing that beautiful smile of hers directed at me is truly a blessing.

"Don't worry too much about her, I'll help wrangle her in," I state when (y/n) looks out soon muttering, "I might need more of a pick-me-up," I look out into the crowd to see Marinette crawling on the floor before turning to (y/n) and kisses her on the corner of her lips, soon asking with a smirk, "how's that?" "Amazing," I head into the crowd and start serving macaroons. Once I get close enough to Marinette I pull her up to her feet. "Luka what are you-" "Would you stop crawling on the floor? You've got a job to do."

"But Adrien's macaroon, I can't find it," She says looking around on the floor. Spotting it next to my feet I pick it up and wave it in her face, telling her before handing it to her. "Is right here and you're making to big of a deal about it. It's nice you made him a macaroon but don't forget you told your parents you'd help serve, it's not fair to everyone else if you only focus on giving Adrien a macaroon so either quickly give it to him now or wait till after your job is done, it's also stressing out mon amour," Mari gives an apologetic look as she takes the macaroon and I start serving everyone again.

Once my tray was empty yet again I head over with a new tray to see Tom and Sabine looking around curiously. "What's wrong?" I ask, setting the tray down. "We don't see Marinette or (y/n) anywhere, we're just wondering where they've gone. You shouldn't be the only one serving the macaroons..." Sabine explains and I look around to see indeed both girls were missing. 

"I'll keep an eye out for them," I start making my rounds again when I spot the two across the room, (y/n) yelling something at Marinette as I made my way over and grabbed (y/n)'s hand, catching her attention. "There you are, Tom and Sabine we're looking for you. They were wondering why you disappeared," She glances back to where Mari disappeared to and lies to me about going to the bathroom, stealing my tray and heading out into the crowd and I frown as I watch her go. 

She didn't want me to worry about her but it was hard not to when something was clearly upsetting her, and it was probably because Marinette wasn't doing her job. I just wanted to steal (y/n) away from all this and help her relax. I go ever to the table and tell Tom and Sabine the girls had to use the bathroom and grab another tray when I turn around and watch Marinette trip overherself and spill macaroons everywhere. 

I go to clean up the mess but (y/n) gets there before I could and Tom asked me to continue serving the guests, I do as he asks, keeping a close eye on Mari who wasn't even working but watching (y/n) and Adrien help Kagami with something. I smile proudy when she marches over to Mari hopefully to confront her when there was a huge crash and everyone turns to see Thomas ASTRUC as a 2D character plus a Ladybug mask. Oh no...

"So you really think a director does nothing? Well, let me show you exactly what I Animaestro am capable of." He says and Chloé waves him off. I instantly start looking around for (y/n) and worry starts bubbling up when I see no sight of where I last saw her. How is it that girl manages to disappear so fast when there's an akuma attack? 

It wasn't long before the doors to the safety rooms were opened and  help the guests get inside safely while Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n) deal with Annimaestro. Once everyone is inside I start to leave to find (y/n) when I'm pulled into the safe room and the doors lock. "My girlfriend is still out there!" I say trying to open the doors but it was of no use, they wouldn't open until the akuma was dealt with.

After being instructed by Ladybug to stop watching Animaestro resulting in the news coverage being taken out it wasn't long before we were allowed out and it wasn't long before I spot (y/n) and pull her into my usual hug. "You really need to stop disappearing every time there's an akuma attack," I exclaim and she returns the hug stating "And you need to stop worrying so much, you know I'll be fine," I cup her face and lean in close as I tell her seriously, "You can't guarantee that you'll be fine," I leave it at that as I help set things back up. 

Not too long after Mari, (y/n), and I stood in front of the doors for everyone to have their last call for macaroons when Chloé walks up and Marinette pleads with her not to tell Adrien about her crush. Afterward Thomas ASTRUC and his friends give us three their passes to watch the movie instead. For the entirety of the movie I held (y/n), happy that she was finally relaxing today.

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