Luka Chapter Eighteen

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I pack up the rest of the things necessary for the party, pick up the box and find my sister. "You ready?" I ask and she nods after finishing up wrapping up her gift. Today was Marinette's birthday and Juleka and her classmates had decided to throw her a surprise birthday party for her so I offered to help.

We say bye to mom and head to the park to see the rest of the class setting up the party, setting up what they could. "Hey Juleka, Luka! Just in time, you bring the stuff?" Alya calls us over and I nod setting the box down. "Alright we've set up the food and the gift table, we still need to set up the banner, the stringed flags, the fairy lights, blow up balloons, and set up the DJ station. Then before the party starts Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng should arrive with the cake," Alya explains looking over her checklist and I start to look around for (y/n). "She's not here," Juleka tells me, catching Alya's attention.

"Yeah sorry, (y/n)'s on Marinette duty, somehow she figured out about the party, and (y/n)'s been convincing her otherwise and making sure she doesn't learn about anything else," Alya confirms. I nod in understanding as I head to the DJ station to help Nino set it up. Once that was done I help Kim set up the banner. About an hour or two later we look over our work, the area was looking good, all that was really left was the balloons and a few stray decorations that didn't feel like working when I feel my phone vibrate, I check to see it was (y/n), she was asking what was going on, it was four o'clock when the party was supposed to start. I text back that there were some problems with the decorations and still no word about the birthday cake but I'll tell Alya we need to hurry up.

I quickly Alya and show her the time. "Alya! Party time, it sounds like Marinette is getting anxious." "Oh shoot, I lost track of time, thanks for the reminder Luka, I'll call in a minute," She turns to her classmates. "Hey, guys, we gonna be fully set up by the time Mari and (y/n) get here," A chorus of yes erupts and Alya calls Marinette. "Sorry I'm running late, can you meet me at the park? We'll-" She cuts herself off when we hear a balloon pop, looks like Kim was rushing to fill it up.

"We'll jam straight from there to the dentist," She calls to everyone to inform them that Marinette and (y/n) were on their way and we finish the last of the setup by the time Alya came back with Marinette and (y/n). While Marinette is opening her presents (y/n) walks over to me with a smile. Thanks for offering to help out, the party ended up being bigger than we expected." "Of course. This party was a great idea which reminds me...When is your birthday?" She tells me and ideas start filling my head for what to do when Alya walks up and nudges (y/n), pointing at Marinette who was staring at the small present in her hand.

Before she could we heard an Italian song and looked around confused. In the sky, we see a green lady in a leather suit with big red hair flying a broom? A fairy floating right beside her. "Grandma?!" Marinette exclaims in shock as the lady lands and approaches her. "You lied to your grandma Marinetta." She accuses Marinette with a glare. "No! I didn't know they were throwing a surprise party for me!" "She's telling the truth ma'am," Alya intervenes but that doesn't stop Marinette's grandma. "What about those candies you pretended to be eating?"

"I'm sorry Grandma, I didn't want to upset you." "I'm not your grandma anymore from now on I am only Befana and I'm going to punish you for all those lies," She pulls out a weird-looking gun and shoots at Marinette who quickly ducks, and the shot hits Mylène turning her to coal. "No..." (y/n) mumbles as we all stood in our spots, careful not to make any sudden movements. Marinette was the one to make the first move and took off, creating a chain reaction as we all took off and hid.

I was too focused on getting out of that situation that I forgot to get Juleka and (y/n) out of there. I turn around to see no sign of (y/n) but Juleka stood with her classmates who had decided to help Marinette. Alya starts throwing plates at Befana shouting "Marinette is not a liar!" "Someone has to teach you table manners," Alya is turned to stone. As much as I wanted to get Juleka out of her, I promised myself I'd support her no matter what so while Kim distracted Befana, resulting in him being turned to coal we grabbed the stringed flags but dropped them when Befana addresses us. "Don't steal candy, you ill-mannered kids." "Don't touch Marinette she's only the nicest person in the world!" Rose shouts back and Befana decides to turn her into a fairy.

At this point, Marinette managed to escape and Befana ordered the faires to chase after her but we use the stringed flags to hold the fairies down. "Marinette is cool so don't touch her," Juleka speaks out and I can't help but give her a proud smile, it was always nice when she used her voice. "Is that how you speak to your elders? How rude," Before any of us could move we were all turned to coal.

I let out a gasp as does everyone else around me as the miraculous ladybugs swirl around before continuing to fix the damage caused by Befana. I run up to my sister and hug her, glad she was safe. After a bit of fixing things back up, the birthday party continued. Right now I was currently watching (y/n) and Marinette playfully bickering, (y/n) was still denying anything about the party, making me chuckle. That's when Nino hops back onto the DJ station and starts playing music so I steal (y/n) away from Marinette to dance.

"You just love to sweep me off my feet don't you?" She jokes as I dip her and I smirk, stating "Of course, I'll take up any chance that brings me one step closer to being able to call you mine," As expected her face starts to heat up at the obvious flirting and she uses her hand to push my face away from her as she scoffed out "You are such a flirt!" I laugh and so does she as we danced the night away.

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