Catalyst: Part 4

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Quickly transforming we make our way into town when our weapons rang and answer Chat's call. "Yes, kitty?" "There was no way I was gonna miss the party M'lady, especially with all these guests." "How many?" I ask as we run toward his location, he starts counting but stops after three. 

"Too many to count. Looks like Hawkmoth has made quite an army for himself." "It's just as well, I'm planning to do the same," We land she hands me the bee miraculous, Chat whistling in surprise. "Wanna come?" I offer to him and he nods and we take off to find Chloé. 

We arrive at The Grand Palais which wasn't that hard with the giant bee signal projecting in the sky. Landing on the roof, Chat unplugs the signal and once Chloé sees us she scoffs. "I was starting to wonder what was taking so long- What? Ladybug sent over her lackeys?" Chat and I exchange looks as we start to leave and he tells her "You know what? I'm sure we can find Ladybug a much better Queen Bee."

Chloé runs up and grabs our wrists in a panic begging for her miraculous because we've got work to do. "What's the magic word?" I ask with a smirk and once again she scoffs. "Oh come on everybody knows that it's Buzz On." Chat tsks at her and she gives an exasperated look. "Oh. That magic word. Could you give me my miraculous please," She mumbles and Chat's grin grows wider as he asks "I'm sorry I didn't get that."

"PLEASE?!" She yells in his face and I chuckle, tossing her the box with the bee comb in it. After giving Pollen a quick hug she transforms and we head to the Eiffel Tower and meet back up with Ladybug, Carapace, and Rena Rouge. After a few minutes of just watching the villains stand around Queen Bee asks "Why don't we go in there and fight already?!"

"We won't be able to defeat them if we don't know what they'll be planning," LB says when our attention turns back to the tower and we gasp as Hawkmoth stood before us in a scarlet red suit, mask, and cane. "Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n), behold my powerful army and have no doubt that today belongs to Scarletmoth!" "Don't get too cocky Hawkmoth, I'm gonna sting you where it hurts." 

"It's only like ten minutes to every one of us, who wants Hawkmoth? We could rock, paper, scissors for him." "I'd much rather we all gang up on him at the same time so he finally understands who he's been messing with," The team gives their two cents besides Rena Rouge and Carapace who were arguing about who's got who's back and LB who was looking carefully at the situation. Chat Noir and I approach her and ask:

"So what's the heroes' plan?"

Author: No chapter tomorrow, will be flying home for Thanksgiving break all day

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