Mayura: Part 1

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"Don't be bemused it's just the news. Thank you for joining us for this very special program. You will have the chance to witness the victory of our great leader Scarletmoth. Today shall be known as Villains Day," Prime Queen announces on her new channel as the screen showed a smug-looking Scarletmoth as his akumatized victims chanted his name. "Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n), I feel your close presence if you want to save Paris and all its people I'll give you one last chance. Give yourselves up and bring me your miraculous!"

Scarletmoth demands only making us all glare at him more as Chat asks "A penny for your thoughts M'lady?" "It's like he's been preparing for this for a long time but we...We're not prepared for this," I give her a confused look as I gesture to our team as I tell her we are.

"Exactly plus all the akumatized victims are ones we've foughten before and won so we know how to defeat them not to mention there are six of us this time," Chat Noir chimes in, reassuring Ladybug who nods before addressing Scarletmoth. "Hawkmoth! I hope you enjoyed Volpina's illusion because the real Ladybug will never hand you over the miraculous." "We've got a better idea: you're gonna give us your miraculous!"

"Seriously, haven't we made it painfully obvious to you that you'll never win?" Chat and I say next before Carapace, Rena Rouge, and Queen Bee add their two cents. "You may have an army of akumatized warriors." "But we're a whole team of superheroes." "You're gonna wish you never wore that utterly ridiculous costume!"

Scarletmoth begins to laugh at us. "I understand you want to fight...Then so be it," He sends out his army and we all grab our weapons and run into battle as LB told the team, "Don't forget our objective. We want to get to Hawkmoth." "It's a simple plan then. Go for the big bad boss." "It's time we end this madness," Chat and I tell her and the team also gives their reassuring words before looking up at the cyclone Stormy Weather had just summoned. Unfortunately for us, that wasn't all we had to deal with as The Pharoh picked up Princess Fragrance and began flying through the air, spraying that nasty perfume.

"Thunderbolt!" "Carapace, shield!" Carapace's shield flies through the air, blocking the bolt when Riposte came lunging toward me and I had to jump back to avoid her blade. Rogercop and The Mime join her at her side and I grab Chat's attention as I say "Your swords are no match for Chat Noir. Go on Chat show 'em what you got," He charges toward them while I turn my attention to helping Ladybug take down Rogercop.

She directs Queen Bee to destroy Pharoh's pendant which she breaks with her spinning top while I smack Rogercop's arms up so his shot would go up instead of hitting Chat. "Rena Rouge, rescue!" Rena skids underneath Princess Fragrance's scent and catches Jalil stating, "Good aim Chloé," She then throws her whistle, breaking Princess Fragrance's perfume bottle and Queen Bee catches Rose and growls out "It's Queen Bee to you fox!

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