Reverser: Part 3

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"Even swimming is impossible with this curse," LB sighs as we finally get on land Chat Noir shivering as he complains about catching a cold. "How are we gonna defeat him?" "What? You wanna face him again?! I don't wanna! He looks so mean!" Chat complains when I tell him, "We don't have a choice. Reverser is looking for a boy named Nathaniel. We gotta find him first. I have an idea of where to look."

"Wait weren't you hit by Reverser too? Nothing seems to have changed," Ladybug points out and I chuckle and explain. "That's because he did the opposite of what he wanted. I'm guessing he was trying to make me doubt myself but he just gave me my confidence back. Gotta say it feels nice not to doubt my every action anymore," I proceed to take in a deep breath to enjoy that my head wasn't filled with ideas on how I could mess up for a change and that when I tried all I was met with was reassurance that I could do it with my skills and instincts.

 "Well, at least we have that." "Here let me help," I go to help Ladybug up the stairs when Chat tells us "I can't do it. The stairs are too high, it's making me dizzy," Ladybug lets out a tired sigh before giving Chat a smile and coaxing him over. "Come on little kitty, it's alright. See? You're gonna be just- AAH!" She trips over the stairs and I catch her as she grumbles "We're not out of the woods yet."

Since Chat Noir was too scared to use his staff and we couldn't trust Ladybug to fly with her yoyo we summon a taxi and headed to the school. "You drive like a maniac!" Chat says, rushing to get out of the car, clutching his blanket close while LB and I get out and apologize on his behalf. "Sorry about that he isn't himself today," We start to head in but stop when Ladybug slams into the car. Her string had gotten caught in the door before she trips on the string. Yeah, fighting Reverser was gonna be tough especially if he hits me with another reversion spell. Heading up to the art room we find Mr. Monlataing and a few other students destroying the art room. Reverser had beaten us here, yet there was no sign of Nathaniel.

I notice some of Nathaniel's drawings on the ground and pick them up soon noticing something. "Hey, The Louvre is in every single drawing. I think I know where he goes for his inspiration." "Then that's where we're headed." "Does this mean we're gonna have to take another cab?" Another cab ride later and we find Nathaniel and Alix in the painting hall. "Nathaniel! We need you it's an emergency!" Ladybug calls out before tripping again and I catch her.

"This is getting old quick," I say before we're asked what's going on so we bring up the news story. "It's been confirmed that ten thousand tons of garbage have just been released from space and are about to rain down on Paris unless Mayor Bourgeois cancels the process the city will soon be under a mountain of trash. The man behind the chaos Reverser has given us an ultimatum," Nadja explains before the screen cuts to Reverser. "I command that you deliver Nathaniel and (y/n) to me right now! I also demand that all three of you give me your miraculous!" "We need your help to talk to him," Ladybug says when Chat asks "What about (y/n)?" Quickly I interject. "There's no time to go out and find her."

"I'm coming with you," Alix suddenly interjects and LB shakes her head. "No way. It's too dangerous." "Actually I'll just stay here too so I don't get in the way," Chat tells Ladybug but before they could argue Alix scares him and he jumps in her arms as the two collapse to the ground because I stepped out of the way. "Looks to me like you're going to need a helping hand," Alix states, helping Ladybug up and I nod. "Yeah, we're gonna need all the help we can get with you both stuck acting like this." 

"Exactly and besides Nathaniel is my friend, I'm not dropping him," With that, we head to the Eiffel tower through another cab ride where Chat berates the driver yet again. "You're a public health hazard!" "But I never even went over 50 miles per hour..." "That's strange the stars are out early," Alix comments looking up and we look up to see a bunch of bright dots in the sky and Ladybug corrects her. "Those aren't stars. The trash must be entering the atmosphere. Within a few minutes, it'll be like having a meteor shower except with dumpsters," Chat shivers in fear at the thought and I squeeze his shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry Chat we can do this." "You're right even though we aren't ourselves at the moment we still make a great team."

You're The Music That's Been Playing In My Head: Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant