Frozer: Part 2

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I get to school and surprisingly I had beaten Marinette here so I wait at the entrance for her when I see her running over and I wave her over as she comes running up, straight into Adrien. "Marinette! Perfect timing," He says helping her up. "You think so?" "What I meant was, I need some advice right now, can we talk," She nods understandingly as they walk off to a bench and I watch from a distance as they exchange words. I notice Marinette looking excited for a moment before giving Adrien a look of shock and after a few more words he takes off happily as she sighs and I approach asking, "Am I allowed to know what that was about?"

"Adrien came to me about a girl, and for a moment I thought he was talking about me but he actually meant Kagami and now I told him you and I would go to the ice rink with them," I blink in confusion as she sputtered out an explanation. It was cool to hear Adrien found someone to like even if it wasn't Marinette but I ask, "Why do we have to go with him on his date with Kagami?" "He said he was too nervous to go alone with her so I told him you and I would go," She explains again.

"This has got to be your worse screw-up in history, you have got to get yourself out of this right now. Ideas girls, quick," Alya says, after school, the girls had ganged up on us after noticing how down Mari was today so we all went to Juleka's place where we explained the situation. "Tell him you'd already promised to hang with your GFs." "You got lost on the way over?" "You're going to a concert." "You have to finish an essay on Periwinkle's migration," The girls start coming up with excuses to get Marinette out of this, an excuse for me was easy I could just say I was going to see Luka since he got back from his trip yesterday. But I didn't think it was fair to Adrien, he wanted to be with Kagami and didn't know how to do it and came to Marinette for help so I thought we should still go to support him. Thankfully Mari seemed to have the same idea.

"Actually girls I don't want to cancel," Mari speaks up and I nod in agreement, the girls giving us confused looks. "Adrien really needs us and if he wants my advice then why not? After all, it's not an issue and I'm definitely not jealous because-" Marinette starts to explain when Rose cuts her off squealing, "Because you two love each other!" "Because there's nothing between us." "What do you mean nothing between you?!"

"There's everything between you actually," Alya and Mylène argue. I have to disagree romantically there wasn't much chemistry between them, as friends yes I would even argue the two of them are each other's opposite gender best friends but it was hard enough for them to spend time together and there seemed to be no interest on his end and with how bad her stutter gets and how easily flustered she could get she wasn't gonna flirt with him anytime soon or lose the cold feet to just ask him out. 

"When I try to do anything romantic I always jumble my words around him so how could I even manage going out on a date? We're probably just meant to be friends, whenever I talk to him as a friend I don't stutter, that's a sign right there," She continues but seemed to forget we were standing in a room filled with Adrienette shippers as they turn to each other and start talking about ways to get out of this again. With I sigh I lead Marinette up the deck so she didn't have to deal with that where we find Luka playing his guitar. "Hey Hubby, glad your back," I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Good to be back," He responds lightly squeezing my hand before noticing Marinette leaning on the railing sadly. "Do you feel kinda like this?" He asks her, soon playing a beautiful melody before saying, "Personally I think a girl like you deserves to feel like this," He proceeds to play a happier tune.

I smile at him lovingly, always looking out for others it was such a sweet trait about him as he makes Marinette laugh. "Thanks, Luka. You going to the ice rink too?" "The ice rink?" "I was just about to ask him," I jump in and we explain and he agreed to be my date to the rink with Mari claiming she'll find her own date.

The next day we head to the ice rink and meet up with Kagami, Luka, Adrien, and Marinette's date for today. (just some random dude couldn't think of any of the characters that would've been a good fit) We head inside the empty rink and start putting on our skates, and out of the corner of my eye, I notice Mayor Bourgeois and Philippe talking a little ways away. As I tie my shoes I hear Adrien sneak over and tell Mari, "It was really cool of you to bring those two and get yourself a date Marinette." "Of course, that's what friends are for."

"I don't know what to do about Kagami though, should I offer to hold her hand?" He asks and I smile at the clueless boy before jabbing my elbow into Mari after she told him to let Kagami fall. "What I meant was you cannot let her fall in any way so do whatever you can so she doesn't fall. So yeah grab a hold of her hand and take her onto the ice and then-" Mari starts rambling as she gets up soon tripping because she had tied her laces wrong. Her date catches her and helps her with her shoes before getting on the ice while Luka told Adrien "Try to be natural, go with the flow and listen to the rhythm," He then offers me his hand and I take it as we get onto the ice as well.

Once on the ice, I notice how much steadier Luka was on it, had he been practicing since our first date? He proceeds to spin around me and do his own spin before grabbing my hands and doing an attitude move. (It's what the internet called it) I feel myself starting to slip when Luka catches me and we continue skating when Philippe skates over. "Hey, young man, have you ever thought about signing up for ice skating lessons? The judges wouldn't be able to resist that sparkling smile of yours."

"That's nice of you sir but my life is already filled with my music and I'm currently writing a brand new song," Luka politely turns him down, looking straight at me as he said that last part. "Music's an important part of skating you know, think about it!" He calls out before skating off to talk to the others.

Luka shows me how to do the pose he did before pulling me close and with a quick peck on the cheek lifts me up in the air and I spread my arms out laughing before he brings me back down and dips me before we do another move with our hands before pulling each other in for a kiss when Philippe skates up again telling me "I'll give you a week's worth of lessons for free. Just a few hours a day and you'll be a star!" I think back on all my duties between my school life, being the class president, my music career, my social life, my relationship with Luka, and being (s/n) to boot, my schedule was pretty full. "I wish I could but I'm already very busy as it is," We skate off and Philippe skates toward Adrien. Wonder why he's being so persistent. We hear a thump and we all turn to see Marinette had bumped into a wall.

Quickly her date and Adrien come skating up, asking if she was ok as she looked confused about what to do. "See how a few lessons from me could come in handy? Please Adrien just put your name on this form and your fans will come running and my rink will be saved!" Philippe pleads before André interferes, scolding the man. "None of these young people want to sign up Philippe, you can't force them," Philippe skates away sadly and André follows after. "Get up," Kagami says, helping Mari up before whispering something before grabbing Adrien's hand and continuing to skate. "Marinette are you ok?" Her date asks and she nods. "Yeah I think I just hurt myself, we should probably call it a day," She skates off toward the bathroom and Adrien follows after her while Luka and I exchanged worried looks.

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