Riposte: Part 3

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While everyone starts to evacuate the area we start heading into the Louvre, looking for a place to hide Adrien. "A safe place...A safe place..." Ladybug mumbles as we look through each exhibit before spotting the sarcophagus in the Egyptian exhibit. "I'm sorry but at least you'll be safe in here," LB apologizes as she starts to shut the lid. "Please be careful Ladybug," Adrien pleas and gives him a smile with the promise she will. Once the sarcophagus was closed she kisses it where his face was and I drag her away from the exhibit, Riposte was gonna be here any minute.

The top of the Louvre slices open and in falls Riposte as she demands to know Adrien's location. "You actually think we'd tell you? This is just between (s/n), me, and you Riposte." "You can't cut it? Fine, I'm going to defeat you and take your miraculous then I'll go and find him!" "I won't let you lay a hand on him," The three of us charged at each other, weapons clashing while we waited for Chat to finally show up.

The fight led us to a painting gallery but because LB and I weren't professional fencers, Riposte got the upper hand, cornering the both of us. Finally Chat Noir shows up, intercepting, Riposte's next attack. "A fencing tournament at the Louvre? How come I wasn't invited?" He jokes while LB and I grab our weapons. "Let me guess, you were late cuz you were at the groomers again?" Ladybug jokes back at him. "I was preening myself, M'lady. You know how long it takes cats to get ready."

The three of us attack Riposte and Chat manages to slam her into the wall, the three of us pointing at her with our weapons. "Checkmate Riposte," Ladybug says proudly and I roll my eyes. That's Chess LB... "You've got the wrong sport Ladybug, I think you mean attaque toi!" Riposte slams into Chat Noir and he rolls away soon hissing in pain, his hands over his ankle. It seemed to be hurt just like Adrien, it was even the same foot...I shake my head again not the time to be surmising who Chat is especially knowing the consequences if I do learn his identity, Ladybug was the only exception.

Chat being hurt distracted us long enough for Riposte to throw Ladybug out of the hall and activates the security system, trapping Chat Noir and me in the hallway. "Ready to lose Ladybug?" The two disappear down the stairway as Ladybug dodges all of Riposte's attacks. "CATACLYSM!" Down go the bars and Chat limps his way after them. "Are you sure you're good to fight? You're hurt," I point out, making him lean on me for support. "No choice, Ladybug needs us, I'll be ok, I promise."

 I give him a worried look, as much as I didn't like to admit it, he was right Ladybug needs us so I help him down. We find the two in the Egyptian exhibit, Ladybug used the security system to trap Riposte. "He's gone!" She exclaims. "What? But then where is he?" I ask, looking around, Chat looking confused. "Who?" "Riposte is trying to get revenge on Adrien Agreste. We hid him in the sarcophagus but now he's not there."

I tell him. "Maybe he was feeling a little clawster-phobic?" He shrugs while LB and I give him a look. "Let's look for him together Ladybug and finish this match," Riposte says, slicing down the bars. Ladybug summons her lucky charm and down falls a radiator. "A radiator?" "Great, that should really heat things up." "The akuma has to be in her sword," LB tells us and we get into position. "Let's get to the point then," We charge at each other and start attacking until Riposte's saber goes through the radiator and LB uses it to block her attacks.

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