Chameleon: Part 1

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Author: Ok while re-plotting season 3 because the wiki timeline said the Shangai special was after this I realized it was wrong because the New York special heroes were showcased and after a bit more digging I learned that it takes place after season 3 but before season 4  but that seems to also be the case with the New York special as well so it feels weird to have two out of the country plot points back to back after a season but that's what seems to be the timeline unless anyone else knows where the New York special goes because I cannot seem to find an accurate timeline of MLB events. Anyways enjoy:

I chuckle at Marinette's last text, where she was panicking about being late yet again even though it wasn't long before she came busting into the classroom and noticed the new seating arrangement. Smiling she pulls me and Alya into a hug soon whispering, "How'd you two pull this off? You guys are the best! I can't believe you got everyone to swap seats so I can sit next to Adrien," Once those words left her lips, she begins to frown and go off on a ramble about how this might not be a good idea because she might not pay attention and fail school. "Woah girl what are you talking about? You're not sitting next to Adrien, you're sitting next to (y/n) over there," Alya points to the back of the class and Mari blinks in confusion. "At the back? Why? What's going on?" "Well since she's got a hearing issue there's no way she can sit at the back of the class right? Which means she needed a place up in the front."

Nino answers since we had started talking in a normal voice. "So to make it work Ivan sat next to Mylène, Nate sat next to Alix and she even came up with the idea of moving Nino here so now we get to spend more time together," Alya further explains though Marinette still seemed very confused. "Who's she?" It's at this point I answer, my arms crossed as I huff out with annoyance. "Take a wild guess," I then point at the front where we see Lila standing next to Ms. Bustier. "Good morning, students. I'm sure you've all heard by now, but Lila's home from her trip to Achu, and she's back in school with us again."

Lila waves and says hello before noticing the empty seat next to Adrien. "Oh, a seat in the front row! You all remembered my hearing issue, you're such sweethearts all of you," She sits down and immediately Marinette gets on her case. "You have a hearing problem, Lila?" "Yes, I suffer from Tinnitus, a constant ringing in my left ear. I've had it ever since the sound of an airplane engine burst my ear drum on the runway when I was saving Jagged Stone's lost kitten." "Jagged Stone's pet is a crocodile, not a kitten," I say and Lila sends me a smile as she corrects me. "Now it is but he had a kitten until he found out he was allergic to cats," She then turns to Adrien and leans in close. "I've heard you're an excellent student Adrien so I'm hoping you'll help me catch up on all the schoolwork I missed while traveling with my parents. Would you do that for me?" "S-sure Lila."

Letting out a growl Marinette turns to Ms. Bustier and asks "Ms. Bustier why do I have to sit in the back now?" "Do you have trouble hearing or seeing?" "No," I answer, grabbing Marinette's shoulder and trying to lead her back to her seat, I could see where this was headed. "My eyesight and hearing are good, I'll sit in the back of the class and you two can sit in the front," Adrien offers, starting to get up when both Lila and Mari shout out a no. Lila gives a guilty to the class as she mutters "My return is causing so much trouble, maybe I should've just stayed on the other side of the world. If Marinette has an issue too then I'll be the one to sit in the back."

The entire class starts to glare at Marinette and I whisper to her "Let it go," She sighs before telling Lila "No, it's ok I don't actually have any problems hearing or seeing I was just curious," We go and sit down while Ms. Bustier starts the lesson. I hear Mari let out a low growl and I grab her shoulder whispering "We'll deal with it later, now's not the time to pick a fight with her," Our attention turns to Ms. Bustier as we're told to open our textbooks and Mari takes in a deep breath to calm down.

Lunchtime came around and while we were grabbing our food, we noticed everyone grabbing food items for Lila and bringing them to her. It seemed she was now lying about a sprained wrist because she was too lazy to get up and get her own food. Marinette lets out another growl as she grumbles to Alya and Nino, "Lila's totally lying! She made up that story about Tinnitus so she could sit next to Adrien. That sprained wrist is completely bogus too." "I don't get it Marinette you barely know Lila, why all the hate? You too (y/n)," Alya asks as we head to our own table.

 "Does that mean you're actually gonna believe us if we tell you? Since you seem to believe Lila, practically a stranger than us your best friends," I point out. "You two are the ones accusing her of lying which means you're the ones that have to prove her wrong not the other way around," Mari and I let out a groan before Marinette tells them, "Remember when Lila first came to school after break? She was only here for one day and then left on that round-the-world trip? Everyone was captivated by her, something felt off to us so we followed her," Marinette told them and they both gave us a shocked look.

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