The Dark Owl: Part 3

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Jumping onto the crate I grab the detonator and press the off button only to find that the counter was still going down. Panic starts to consume me as I repeatedly press the button when Chat hops over asking "What's the problem?" "The counter is still going down!" I show him and he starts pressing the button himself in panic. "What?! Try short-circuiting it with your powers," I summon my ice storm and freeze the detonator but the ice melts and the countdown continues I continue to try and freeze it but nothing works.

Ladybug soon joins us to avoid the boomerangs. "Albert, activate the hatch," We hear before falling into the crate. "I am the guardian of Paris. I am The Dark Owl!" He evily laughs out while LB looked around. "The count down is still running," I tell Ladybug who grabs the detonator and pushes on the button hard. "What?! That's impossible!" 

That's when we feel something at our feet and look down to see the crate was being filled with some type of creamy substance. "Looks like and tastes like whip cream," Chat comments while examining it. "We're too late!" Ladybug screams when the tv turns on and shows the bus hanging from the Eiffel Tower, Dark Owl's voice ringing out. "Time's up, Albert drop the bus!" We watch in horror as the bus drops and it and the kitten disappear. They were holograms?

"You naves, it was a hologram all along. So how does it feel to lose for once and be humiliated?! Did you really think I would hurt a kitten? This next trap though is very real. The crate you're in is filling up with whip cream as we speak. Whip cream is too thick to swim in but too runny to float on," We look down at the cream which had reached our legs at this point. 

"I hope it's lactose-free at least," Chat mumbles as The Dark Owl continues. "You're going to drown! Softley but surely unless that is you accept defeat and give me your miraculous!" A slot opens near us, waiting expectantly for our miraculous while LB looks around soon using the fountain pen to cover the camera with ink.

"Do you really think it'll make a difference if I can't see you Ladybug? There's nowhere to escape! If you don't give me your miraculous now I'll simply take them after the whipped cream has buried you!" Chat Noir starts punching the crate but nothing happens. "He's right, we're done for..." "Not yet. You win Dark Owl!" Ladybug calls out to Dark Owl before wadding over to us and whispering "Both of you close your eyes and no peeking." "We can't do this," I say with a frown. 

"Trust me," She steps back and closes her eyes. I make sure Chat does the same before closing my own eyes. "Spots off." I go next. "Thaw." "Claws in." "Wha-" We hear Chat Noir's kwamii start to ask before Tikki and Flaake shush him.

I start to take off my gloves when Marinette grabs my hand stopping me. She then puts something in the slot. "Now I am the only superhero in Paris! And a superhero keeps his word. Albert!" The crate empties the whipped cream while our kwamii's whisper to me and Chat Noir the plan. Marinette had given him the fakes we made earlier to give us time to re-charge. 

The three of us silently transform while The Dark Owl celebrates. By the time he was told they were fakes, Chat had cataclysmed the crate. "But that's impossible! How did you do it?" "What did you expect? A hero never reveals their secret. I thought you'd know better. I've got a plan A, B, and all the alphabet to Z. Did you really think we'd give you our miraculous? We're superheroes. We are...Ladybug!" "Chat Noir!" "And (s/n)!" Chat gives The Dark Owl a taunting smirk as he bows. "By the way say hi to Hawkmoth for us. Hope he enjoys his new toys."

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