Sapotis: Part 1

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Author: Sorry this is one to two days late, kinda lost track of time, I think I can continue my regular schedule but we'll find out.

"Yes, Mrs. Césaire the girls are ready for bed. Technically speaking. Yes, we'll be good, enjoy the movie," Marinette ends her call and turns toward Alya who was chasing her twin sisters. Marinette and I were having a sleepover at Alya's and then tomorrow we'd all go to the amusement park. "Alright, it's bedtime you little monsters. That's enough mischief for one day," Alya exclaims, picking her sisters up. "It's not us, it's the Sapotis!" They both giggle out and we watch from the door frame as Alya puts them to bed.

"Off to bed little Sapotis, you need to rest if you wanna be fighting fit for tomorrow." "It's not fair! We don't wanna go to bed! We wanna stay up like you!" Etta complains and Ella sits up and nods. "Yeah, we wanna watch the movie with you and tell each other lots of secrets!" "And what kind of zombie will you be at the amusement park tomorrow if you go to bed late? Show them, Mari, (y/n)," Alya nods over to us and we both yawn, tiredly wipe our eyes and lean on the door frame tiredly. "So what's it gonna be? Boring sit-down pajama party with the big kids or the super fun cool amusement park tomorrow?" "The amusement park!" Ella and Etta cheer in union and Alya tucks them in bed again. "What I thought. Good night Sapotis." She goes to take their propellor hats off.

"Wait can we keep them on? Please!" "Ok but it's time for bed, go to sleep," She turns out the light and gently closes the door. "Nice technique with your little sisters," I compliment, surfing through the cabinets and collecting chips and candies. "But who are the Sapa- Sapo..." Mari tries asking, struggling to remember the name. "The Sapotis? They're little monsters from a créole fable. They're always pulling pranks pulling all sorts of mischief," Alya explains, grabbing some orange juice and sodas out of the fridge and Mari grabs the fruit platter.

"Now that we're alone I can tell you guys. As shown by the Egyptian exhibit at the museum, we know that Ladybug has been around since the Pharos but no way can the Ladybug we know be 5,000 years old so I downloaded a great app that analyzed some recordings I had of her talking. Based on the frequencies of her voice it turns out she's a girl our age. Not only that but I did the same thing with Chat Noir and (s/n) and it was the same, all three of them are our age," Alya exclaims showing us the app on her phone and we both flinch, glancing at each other. Before we could put a stop to it though, Mari points at the table in the living room. "Uh, Alya? The drinks," Alya turns around to see her sisters giving her a mischievous grin before bursting out laughing, they had gotten into the drinks.

Alya lets out a groan as she grabs a napkin, wipes their mouths, and puts them back to bed. "It's not us it's the Sapotis!" They tell her and she gives them an amused smile before once again shutting their bedroom door gently. "What were we talking about again?" She asks and I look at Mari shaking my head, it was better if we dropped the subject of Paris's hero identities. "We were about to watch a movie," Marinette says, grabbing the movie cases when noticing the Ladybug animated movie on the front and moves it back.

"Oh yeah, Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir. They're like high school kids so to figure out who they really are all we need to do is find two girls and one boy who's always late-" Before she can continue, Marinette pulls Alya's phone down and gives her a serious look. "Don't you think there's a good reason why she keeps her identity a secret?" More mischievous laughter filled the room and we look at the counter in the kitchen to see the snacks had been eaten. "Alright, that's enough! Get out of bed one more time and no one will be going to the amusement park tomorrow," Alya warns her sisters who only giggle out "It's not us it's the Sapotis!" "This is your last warning!" She firmly states and once again closes the door, walking over to me and Marinette.

"What were you saying about their secret identity?" "Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir need it to protect their friends, family otherwise Hawkmoth or anyone else who wants their miraculous could use them against them not to mention that it would make it harder to protect Paris." "Not to mention no more privacy," I chime in when our attention turns to the tv as it played a kid's cartoon. Narrowing her eyes, Alya marched over to the other side of the couch to see Etta and Ella and let out a growl, causing them to laugh.

"It's not us it's the Sapo-" She cuts them off by grabbing them and puts them back in bed. "That's it!" "Come on Alya, we won't do it again!" The two plead when they realize their older sister was being serious. "Yeah? Well, it's too late. We'll all go to the park when you can behave some other day," Aly says sternly, taking their hats off and setting them on their toy chest. "Now go to sleep."

Once getting replacement snacks and drinks we get set up on the couch and prepare the movie. "Well if I knew who the heroes really were, I'd keep it a secret, I would even help them. Like say you were Ladybug, I'd cover for you like when you needed to transform in school, go fight the 'baddies' you know?" Alya says, pointing at Marinette. "And what will you do if word got out you knew their identities? Constantly bugged by news reports, a primary target for Hawkmoth and constant danger for you and them. You really should stop pursuing finding out their identities, it would be safer and better if you just dropped it," I stated and Mari nods. "Exactly so if I was Ladybug I wouldn't even tell you to protect you from the 'baddies'. You know?" "You serious? If I was Ladybug, I'd totally tell both of you because I tell my besties everything." "You're right Alya, you should always tell your besties everything. Come on, spill are you actually Ladybug?" I tease with a smirk. "Right like I'm telling you nuh-uh." 

You're The Music That's Been Playing In My Head: Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora