A Special Christmas: Part 4

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"Ladybug? Chat Noir? (s/n)? Now that's a Christmas scoop!" Alya exclaims, instantly pulling out her phone to record. "Anything you'd like to say for the Ladyblog?" "It's not at all what it looks like," Ladybug was quick to say, shoving Chat off of her and getting up. Santa Claws flies past and Chat goes to chase when LB pulls him back by his tail. "Wait, that isn't gonna work. LUCKY CHARM!" 

Down comes a large cardboard box. "Hope it's not trying to tell us to move to another city," Chat says as LB looks around soon asking the Césaire family for some office supplies. Grabbing what she needs she writes something on paper and hand it to me and Chat stating "My Christmas list. Go get these items," We nod and head out. I enter the Dupain-Cheng Bakery and greet them. "Hello there Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." "(s/n)? Why what are you doing here and out this late?" Sabine asks and I smile. "Superhero business, may I borrow your Ladybug cut out? We need to defeat Santa Claws." "Why of course anything you need," Tom tells me and I ask for a few more things before thanking them and getting back to LB.

Once we meet back up at the Eiffel tower, we set our trap and attract Santa Claw's attention.  When he finally gets there he finds a Christmas present for him, with Chat Noir and I standing on the ledge of the tower, the Ladybug cut out in the background. "Santa, you're the winner~ We stand down and surrender~ We fear you have defeated us, so we give you our miraculous~" Chat sings catching his attention before I start singing as well.

"But beforehand, here is a gift for you~ Cause on Christmas even you have a right to that too~" "A present? For me?" Santa Claws asks in disbelief and we nod before singing together. "Rebel with a cause~ You give us so much fright~ We all have the right to a present on Christmas night~" The wind blows as he grabs the present, knocking over the Ladybug cut out and watch in anticipation as Ladybug hops out of the box and uses her yoyo to trap Santa Claws. 

Summoning his cataclysm Chat runs over using his stick and destroys the hat, and hands it to LB. "Merry Christmas M'lady." "Thanks kitty," She blows away the hat and de-evilizes the butterfly. The sleigh starts to fall and I summon my ice storm to create an ice slide to slide the sleigh back down to the ground safely while the miraculous ladybugs fix everything.

"Pound it!" Marinette and I get back home where we're told Adrien had gotten back home safely and the entire class was planning to visit him. So we suit up for the cold weather and head on out with everyone to the Agreste manor. The door opens up to reveal a shocked Adrien as Natalie explains. "I informed everyone that Adrien was home safe and sound sir. They were all very worried about their friend," Adrien turns to his dad with a hopeful smile. "Oh please, Father? It's Christmas!" Mr. Agreste nods. "Of course, come on in," We fill in and start giving Adrien hugs and some gifts before sitting down for dinner or I guess Christmas breakfast. "Merry Christmas to all~"

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