Feast: Part 1

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"Don't be bemused it's just the news. The Louvre museum will be opening and unveiling its latest addition today: a mysterious statue carved from molten lava which had recently been discovered on the highest mountain tops of Tibet, by the museum's curator, Mr. Kubdel," We hear Nadja report on the new exhibit while watching Marinette try to get a glance at Adrien. Alya pulls her back exasperated. "Marinette, I asked Alix to get us into this unveiling so I could show you and (y/n) what I found about superheroes. Not so you could gawk at Adrien. You can do that any day at school girl," She was still lost in La La land as she muttered "Super Adriens..." I shake her a bit and she corrects herself as she turns her attention to Alya.

"Superheroes! I'm all ears." "Finally. Firstly, superheroes like Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n) get their magic powers from a jewel or in (s/n)'s case her gloves," Alya starts to explain and I flinch at this, it catches Marinette's attention as well since her gaze had been drifting back to Adrien. "What happened to you saying that you'd give up on this research so you wouldn't jeopardize their secret identities?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and placing my hands on my hips, she gets a little nervous as she rubs the back of her neck. "I know but this research has nothing to do with their identities, I'm gonna help them unmask Hawkmoth and I think I found a connection between superheroes, Hawkmoth, and the miraculous," My mouth drops, was she being serious? "Show us," Mari says and Alya leads us to a few exhibits.

"I'm convinced that Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n), and other miraculous holders have been depicted throughout the centuries until for some unknown reason they disappeared and the world forgot about them. We already know this one: the Ladybug from Ancient Egypt," She gestures toward the Ladybug depiction on the papyrus and I recall being told we all have a past we can learn from. I had completely forgotten about that, swept up by the more recent akuma attacks and life. 

"Here, a black knight? Or black cat miraculous holder?" Alya gestures toward a painting of a black knight before dragging us to another painting of a crowned lady surrounded by butterflies. "A lady? Or a butterfly superhero," She pulled up an image of a warrior wearing a tiger hat on his head. "Hercules or lion miraculous holder?" "Ok so now there's a lion miraculous?" Mari teases and Alix snickers out, "Why not a bunny miraculous while you're at it," I jokingly roll my eyes as my mind goes to Fluff while Alya leads us to a statue stating, "You know how back in the day all the statues used to be painted? Most of the paint vanished over time but tiny microscopic pigments remain and thanks to this special app witness how it originally looked," She takes a picture of the statue and puts it through her app and it shows the colored statue wearing a ladybug-themed dress. "But here's the big thing, all these works of art have something in common, they have the same simple if you look it's everywhere."

Alya zooms in on photos of what she's shown us so far revealing the intricate design on top of the miracle box and any box that held the miraculous when they've been given out. You mean if I had taken the time to search there was more about the miraculous I could've learned because it's out in the open?! I internally facepalm, I hadn't been doing any research because I had no idea where else to go with my investigation after finding Master Fu and the grimoire and was just hoping something new would come up in one of the akuma's battles since little to nothing about the miraculous was known to the public and I guess akuma attacks did take up most of my time but still if I had just taken the time to look how much would I have found? 

"It's like some kind of secret society emblem like it's some kind of order of guardians who have been watching over the superheroes since the beginning of time," Alya theorizes and Alix hums as she tells us, "Looks like the symbol on the Tibetan statue my old man found," Wait what? We rush back to the unveiling just in time to see a giant statue with a hole in it and in the hole a small almost frog-like-looking creature with the symbol on its forehead. "According to dad, that statue is almost two-hundred years old." "From what I've found there haven't been any miraculous heroes for the last two-hundred years." "So this statue would be the last known trace of a miraculous..." "Until Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir showed up to fight Hawkmoth! This'll be great for my video and it'll help them unmask Hawkmoth," Marinette and I once again flinch as Mari asks "Wait you're gonna publish your findings on the Ladyblog?" "I already did: The Mystery of the Miraculous," She shows us the video and we both give her a fake smile.

"I'm sure Ladybug will be super excited about it," Mari says before I mumble "So will Hawkmoth," We quickly excuse ourselves and head to Master Fu to show him the post and ask if we should be worried about it. "I'm sorry Master, we should've convinced her to stop sooner," Marinette apologizes and Fu reassures us. "It's ok, Alya is a great journalist and she would've uncovered this secret. But don't worry none of it can lead Hawkmoth to us." "Or to him?" I ask sadly and he nods before his attention turns back to the screen as an image of the latest statue pops up. 

"Impossible! That's impossible! We're doomed!" Master Fu starts to freak out and I ask "Because of a statue? Didn't you just say-" "That's not a statue (y/n), it's a sentimonster. A magical creature conjured by an emotion and taken shape by the peacock miraculous." It is? I look at it again and ask "But what's so special about this one? We defeated sentimonsters before." "But none come close to the power of this one, it was born from the negative emotion of a young man who had no idea what he was creating. Remember when I told you I made a terrible mistake? For you to understand I must tell you the entire story," He proceeds to tell us how he was chosen to be a guardian and had to say goodbye to his family while being put through grueling training and one of them required him to watch over the miracle box without food or water for 24 hours but the hunger was too much and he used the peacock miraculous to make a sentimonster to fetch him food.

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