Luka Chapter Thirty

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It was another practice day for Kitty Section and most of Juleka's friends had come over to listen as well. We had just finished warming up when mon amour approached with glasses of juice for the group when she asked me, Good warm-up. I'm curious how long have you been playing the guitar, Luka?" "Since I was in diapers," I respond while playing a little tune, and we both chuckle as she places the tray down. "Figured out the tune you were telling me about, here I'll show you how to do it," I hand the guitar to her and led her hands to show her how it was played when Adrien and Kagaim walked in. What a nice surprise. "It's a good thing Adrien's finally found someone he can get out of the house with at last," I comment after watching the two joke around about being at the wrong place for fencing practice.

"Yeah and if things continue to go well for them hopefully they'll be more than friends," (y/n) chimes in before our attention turns to Marinette who rushed toward the two with the tray of juice and started stumbling over her words about how good it was to see them. Kagami asked Marinette if she came with anyone which seemed to throw her off guard, thankfully for her though we hear mom begin to yell at someone up on deck and we all headed up to see what was going on. Mom was arguing with Jagged Stone? What was going on?

"You can't fool me, pirate, I'm betting you threw your guitarist overboard again!" "I swear I didn't she left me in the lurch," He pulls out an old album cover featuring the two when they were younger. "Look how perfect we were together, come back and play with me Nanarky," He continues to beg, making kissy faces toward her. "Jagged and our mom?" Juls and I ask, staring at our mom in confusion who tells Jagged off one more time before storming off. "(y/n)! Marinette! You two are here, can you help me?" Jagged asks and they both decline before (y/n) tells him, "But we might know someone else who can play guitar." "Really? You rock!" I smile at her, knowing full well she was referring to me but it seemed Marinette wasn't on the same page. "Yeah! Meet Adrien Agreste, he's the cutest- greatest musician in the world." Actually, Marinette while I can play a few cords I'm more of a pianist," Adrien says and Jagged points at me.

"How about that young awesome dude with the guitar? Maybe he's better equipped for the job?" Amusingly Marinette still didn't get it as she said I could lend my guitar to Adrien and I snort as I hand it to him when "Jagged Stone! So you fire me and now you want to replace me with what? A school kid?" We hear a woman ask and look up to see a musical-themed-looking woman. "Vivica? Is that you?" "There ain't no more Vivica, there's only Desperada now," She opens her guitar case and pulls out a trumpet. "If I can't be your guitarist anymore, I'm gonna make sure nobody can!" She points the trumpet at Adrien when mom marches up claiming she was right before getting in a heated argument with the lady and getting shot with a cloud of yellow smoke and appearing as a badge on the girl's guitar case.

Next was Kagami who charged at her then Rose and my sister, I notice Adrien run toward the cockpit and I go after him soon grabbing his wrist. "Not there, you'd be a sitting duck up there," I say before dragging him off Liberty when Desperada interjects asking where we thought we were going. "Stop it Vivica, you're giving rock and roll a bad name," Jagged pleas with her before he and his manager got shot. That's when Ladybug and (s/n) arrive and keep Desperada busy while Adrien and I sneak away. 

We watch the two struggle to fight Desperada, and the urge to help started bubbling up as I asked, "Where's Chat Noir?" "He might not make it here in time," I take my guitar back with a determined look. "We must help them," I step out in the open and start playing the guitar, catching her attention as she asked, "Another new guitarist?" Desperada asks in annoyance as she pulls up two mini trumpets and started shooting at me and Ladybug, (s/n) soon tackles me out of the way and after Ladybug takes care of Desperada we all head down into the sewers and (s/n) rightfully so scolds me. "You shouldn't have put yourself in danger like that. Please leave the heroics to the people with a miraculous. But thank you for the help." "You can count on us whenever you need help," I say, earning a smile from her and what looked to be a blush, though it was hard to tell in this light.

"We appreciate it but when dealing with a supervillain (s/n)'s right you should leave this to miraculous holders. Speaking of miraculous holders..." Ladybug says, grabbing her yoyo and starts to call Chat Noir, but there was no answer. She lets out a small groan before summoning her lucky charm. "A gong? What are you gonna do with that?" "We'll be back soon, you two should hide," Adrien and I nod before she asks for my guitar after hearing Desparad shout how she was gonna find 'that brat guitarist'. "You know how to play?" "Let's just say I have my own personal style. Now go hide," Adrien and I take off down a few tunnels and into a storage room filled with lockers.

"You can hide in here and since it'd be a tight fit I'll hide in another one," Adrien says, helping me get into a locker and I hide, I hear him hide in his own locker and I pull out my phone, sending a text to (y/n) hoping she'd respond soon. No such luck, I even called her and got nothing, leading me to believe Desperada had gotten her, and if that was the case...I clench my fist tightly. That would mean I failed to protect her...Please hurry and help her Ladybug at least someone could save her even if it wasn't me when it should.

After some time passed I hear people enter the room, Chat Noir's voice ringing as he stated, "Adrien's in there." "Your incredible nose failed you this time," Ladybug tells him and I step out to see the three heroes. "Ladybug, (s/n), Chat Noir, have you defeated Desperada yet?" I ask before noticing Adrien wasn't here. "Where's Adrien?" "Maybe he took off and hid somewhere else. Let's split up and find him," Chat suggests when (s/n) pushes me back into the locker stating, "Please hide in here for the meantime, it'll make me feel better knowing that you're safe."

She tells me with an almost familiar sweet smile before closing the locker door and I feel my face heat up, and my heartbeat goes slightly faster. What was that about? I shake my head, it was only because she cares about everyone's safety...Right? I wait a bit longer and hear nothing confused I step out and start looking for Ladybug, (s/n), or Chat Noir to see if they've defeated Desperada yet when I turn a corner I see (s/n) and Ladybug had found Adrien. "Luka Couffaine, here is the miraculous of the snake which grants the power of Second Chance, you will use it for the greater good if you're willing. Once we succeed you must return the miraculous to me or Ladybug. Can we trust you?" I'm suddenly asked by (s/n) as she hands me a small wooden black box and I give her a determined nod. "Desperada attacked my friends and family and even my girlfriend so if I can help you in any way I will," I say thinking of my mom, my sister, my friends, (y/n) being wrongfully trapped as a badge on Desperada's guitar case. If I could finally be capable to protect (y/n) and save her for once and everyone else I will gladly accept the role of a hero. 

After Adrien runs off to hide I open the box and watch in shock as a turquoise light flies around me and a floating snake appears introducing himself as Sass who then explains how his miraculous works. "Sass Scales Slither!" Sass flies into my bracelet as a Lyre appears and I start playing it, a turquoise light covering my body before a snake-themed suit appears on my body, I glide my hand by my face as a matching mask appears before moving my hand like a snake and pose just as Chat Noir ran up. "Just in time, Chat Noir I'd like you to meet-" "Viperion, can't wait to work with you," I finish Ladybug's sentence and we get to work with one quick joke from Chat about wishing we had a lucky horseshoe and me responding that Ladybug brings all the luck we need. Ladybug finds out where Desperada is we take away her advantage point, I activate second chance and watch the three fight her multiple times before telling them my plan that takes her down and we pound it.

After giving back my miraculous I head back to Liberty to find everyone rocking out and I pull my mom to the side. "You never told me you used to play with Jagged Stone." "It was a long time ago Luka." "Ok, why did you stop playing with him?" "As I said, it was a long time ago Luka," I purse my lips as she walks away to say goodbye to Jagged when (y/n) walks up and grabs my hand asking what was wrong and I give her a smile as I lead her to my secret spot and explain things, how my mom never seems to trust me or my sister with certain truths and how it hurt especially when it came to my dad's identity. (y/n) proceeds to give me a tight hug soon apologizing for the fact that mom never told me anything. "Mon amour you don't need to apologize, you're not the one keeping secrets from me but thank you, I really needed to get that off my chest," I softly plant a loving kiss on her lips as the night grew darker.

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