Luka Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I stretch and let out a long yawn as I push back away from my desk, glad to have finished the weekend's homework when I hear my phone ring, looking I see mon amour flash across the screen and I smile as I pick up the phone. "Good evening mon amour, what may I ask has you calling at such a late hour?" I hear her laugh on the other end before responding. "Well, you see Tom has gotten the idea in his head that Chat Noir is Marinette's boyfriend and invited him for brunch tomorrow and Marinette wanted me to ask you if you'd like to come over for brunch as well as for why I have no clue."

"Sure." "Really? You don't have to for Marinette's sake, you shouldn't have to deal with her drama because of her mistakes." "Yeah I'm sure if I can help then that's better plus it gives me a good excuse to see you." "You don't need an excuse to see me." "Sure I don't. See you tomorrow mon amour, good night," She hangs up and I head to bed.

The next day I show up at the bakery to find that Chat Noir was actually there with a pink rose, he gives me a confused look and I explain, "I was invited over for brunch too, hopefully, it'll make things less awkward for you." "Yeah..." He trails off as he rings the doorbell, a few moments pass and he rings again, I'm betting Marinette was gaining the courage to open the door. The door opens and Tom picked Chat up and hugged him yelling, "Welcome to our home!" I laugh behind my hand before heading to (y/n) and wrap my arm around her and kiss the top of her head.

"You weren't kidding, Chat Noir actually showed up and I could feel the awkwardness seeping through the door. Why did she say she was in love with him again?" "She thought she was gonna be accused of something and she went into a panic and blurted the first thing that came to mind," We laugh while watching Marinette tell her father how the pink rose Chat brought her meant nothing before he sat the four of us down to eat.

The first course was Sweethearts' vol-au-vent, for a double date according to Tom and we start digging in. It had been barely five minutes when Tom started asking Chat Noir questions. "Tell me Chat Noir is being a superhero a steady profession?" Chat Noir understandably coughs out his food and stares at Tom with a shocked expression.

"You're right Dad, it's gotta be super dangerous being a superhero's girlfriend maybe I should rethink this," Marinette says, but her dad shoots that idea down, claiming Chat Noir wouldn't have to be a superhero after he defeated Hawkmoth when I point out "But won't he need to keep his identity a secret even then just in case he's needed again?" (y/n) then joins in on my point. "Exactly, he wouldn't be able to tell Marinette his identity without putting her in danger," Tom hadn't even registered what we said instead fantasizing about Chat Noir and Marinette's future as a couple even going so far as kids and pet hamsters.

"What did you want to name your future hamster again sweetie?" "This is a nightmare..." Marinette mumbles as she buries her face in her hands. "Nightmare, right. That's a funny name, isn't it? I'll bring the next course," Tom takes the tray and brings back a heart-shaped souffle and we all give Tom a slightly confused look. "Tom why don't we let Chat Noir tell us himself how he feels about all this," Sabine suggests and Mari nods, soon sending an accusatory glare Chat's way soon accusing him of being a boy that easily changes his mind.

Chat gulps as he rubs the back of his neck nervously before addressing everyone at the table. "Here's the thing...You're all really nice people and this meal is delicious and by far the friendliest I've had in a long time. Marinette, you're an awesome girl and I get that you have feelings for me after all I'm awesome in so many ways even I'd fall in love with myself," We all give him a confused look and he coughs when he sees his joke didn't land.

"Anyways I'm afraid my heart belongs to someone else." "Ladybug?" Marinette asks and Chat shakes his head. "Not anymore, I used to love her but I was rejected so many times, and (s/n) the great friend she is wouldn't let me keep getting hurt so I moved on. There's a girl in my civilian life I love and I'm actually working up the courage to ask her out soon so I'm really sorry Marinette but I can't accept your feelings," I smile at Chat Noir that was really brave of him to tell everyone how he truly felt about this however it seemed that Marinette overreacted

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