Sapotis: Part 2

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Just as the three of us started settling in for the movie we hear giggling coming from Ella and Etta's room, Alya letting out another growl. "That's it! I've totally had it with these kids!" She marches into the room warning them not to blame the Sapois when she was knocked down by two small red creatures with golden bracelets and purple propellor hats. "Maybe you were a little too strict with them?" Marinette asks as she moves out of the way while the two dug into the snacks on the coffee table.

Once finished they multiplied, shocking the three of us more as they started messing around. "Normally when you're firm with kids they don't turn into monsters," Alya exclaims and I nod. "Or have Hawkmoth around to akumatize them," They get into the fridge and multiply again before they charge for the balcony window. Mari and I try to stop them but manage to get trampled instead. "You guys take care of these two, we gotta bring them back!"

 Alya says taking off into the city and we watch the Sapotis cause chaos. "Time to transform! Tikki Spots On!" "Flaake Freeze!" One transformation later and we take off into the town, destroying any hats we could on the Sapotis causing them to disappear when I spot Chat Noir targeting a Sapotis messing with a traffic light.

"It's forbidden," I say, catching its attention when Chat finishes my sentence, poking the Sapotis causing it to fall in Ladybug's yoyo. "To mess with traffic lights," Ladybug breaks the hat and the Sapotis disappears, a disappointed look crossing her face when an akuma didn't fly out. "How'd you know to destroy the monster's hat?" "Trail and error." "But no akuma was released," Chat points out and LB explains. "No, because that monster was a clone. These Sapotis multiply every time they eat to get to the akuma we need to destroy the original one. The very first Sapotis Hawkmoth akumatized."

Chat Noir and I exchange looks after looking at all the Sapotis just on this street. "So you mean we gotta catch 'em all." "Come on, you don't like a good challenge?" Ladybug teases as the two of us groan, it was gonna be a long night. We get to work, breaking multiple Sapotis's hats, and eventually find where the latest infestation of them was happening: at André's ice cream stand. "Hey, don't eat that ice cream or things will get catastrophic," Chat warns them with a pun.

The Sapotis charged at the three of us and with a few defensive maneuvers and our weapons we kept them at bay but with two new ones popping out of the ice cream cart every second, it wouldn't be long before we would be overpowered. "We won't be able to destroy all their hats, there's too many of them! If we stick around any longer we're gonna be overpowered," I surmise and Ladybug summons her lucky charm. A very familiar teapot lands in her hands. "A teapot?" "It's strangely familiar," LB mumbles, and while she looks around Chat and I continue to use our staff/ spear to knock back the Sapotis, breaking any hats we could.

"Weird I can't find anything," Ladybug tells us and Chat informs her that if she doesn't hurry up they'd have to retreat. "Of course! I know someone who can help. Gotta go," She says before taking off. "Right now? Who are you possibly going to get?" I ask and she gives us a look. "You gotta trust me on this one," Chat and I exchange looks before giving her a nod and she takes off. 

"We should move before we get cornered," I state once Ladybug was out of sight. He nods again and we take off into the city, watching as the Sapotis followed us the numbers grow larger as we passed street after street and more Sapotis joined in the crowd. "Let's try trapping them somewhere," Chat suggests but before we could look around for a place to trap them our weapons suddenly became unbalanced and fell along with us to the ground. We get up to see that the Sapotis' numbers had increased so much that they could climb on top of each other to reach us. Leaving us with one option: to run away on foot. Eventually, though the two of us were surrounded.

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