Zombizou: Part 4

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Ladybug hums in thought as she looks at the Gustave statue when the ceiling caves in and in comes Chat Noir. "Chat Noir?!" LB and I ask hopefully only to be disappointed as his usual green eyes were pink. He charges at us and I grab Chloé and run while Ladybug runs around the room, grabbing the scarf on the statue and covering it in make-up remover as she avoided Chat's kisses. "Don't worry kitty, you'll get your kisses but first I have a lucky charm to use," She pushes herself away from a wall to avoid him and starts wrapping the cloth around her yoyo.

"I'm sorry," Chloé apologizes, catching us both off guard as we look at her with confusion and shock asking in unison. "What?" "This is all my fault," She explains, only confusing us more because one Chloé was apologizing and two she was taking the blame. "Thanks for the apology but now's not really a good time," Ladybug admits before gasping. Chat had leaped toward her while we had been distracted by Chloé's apology. Chloé rushes past me and shields Ladybug from Chat! "Save us all," Was all she said. Ladybug takes off through the hole Chat made when the door bust open and zombies started flooding in. Panicking I summon my ice storm and freeze each zombie to the wall.

"(s/n), hurry!" Ladybug calls to me but I shake my head. "I can't if I go up with you zombies will start climbing up and you'll have more to deal with than just Zombizou. If I stay down here they'll come after me and my ice storm can hold them off." "But you'll get infected!" "Probably but at least I'll go down doing something useful," I say, shooting another zombie back that had gotten a little too close. "What do you mean by that?" LB asks. 

"Ladybug I'm...A failure of a hero. I don't even feel like I have the right to call myself that anymore. I mean not only could I not protect my classmates who trusted me as (y/n) and (s/n) and ended up failing them. I was akumatized and became The Violinist just before I learned your identity! If I had my gloves on or even if Hawkmoth had mentioned my gloves I would've lost my miraculous and given it to Hawkmoth who would use it against you and Chat Noir and if I knew your identity at the time, you would never be safe even after giving up the ladybug miraculous. Do you not see how dangerous it is for me to be a hero? I could be akumatized again and it would be all over, I don't even know why I'm still trusted with it, I wouldn't and I don't. I can't even do anything without your's or Chat's approval, that's how scared I am I'll mess up again."

I explain and her eyes widen as if she just realized I didn't believe in or trust in myself anymore and she frowns. "(s/n)-" "Go, we're running out of time, let me be useful for once while you save Paris. No arguing," I proceed to freeze the hole over to prevent her from arguing before sealing of the exit with ice. That should do. "Kissoooo," I hear and turn to see Chat and Chloé. Right, forgot about them. Chloé was easy to take care of but I did have to do some gymnastics to avoid Chat, I wouldn't be able to keep this up for long when he tackled me to the ground and still managed to kiss my cheek and grimace, he is not the guy I want kissing me. I instantly start to feel feverish. "Good luck Ladybug..." I trail off before all I could think about was hugs and kisses.

Miraculous ladybugs swarmed past me and everyone looks around confused for a moment before Chat grabs my shoulder and points up, motioning for us to join LB up on the roof. We get up and pound it just as Ms. Bustier came back to her senses. "Ladybug? (s/n)? Chat Noir? What on Earth- Oh! The akuma overtook me, oh no! I...I let my negative emotions get the upper hand, how terrible! I'm terrible..." "That's not true, it wasn't your fault, Hawkmoth is the one to blame."

Ladybug gently corrects her. "But I hurt a lot of people..." "No. I did," We suddenly heard and we turn to see Chloé looking beside herself as she continued on, refusing to look up at us. "I forgot your birthday once again and when I saw that everyone had prepared a gift for you and was called out for not having one for you...I totally lost it because I too would've liked to offer you something. I'm sorry Ms. Bustier," Chloé apologizes yet again, leaving us all surprised but proud of her for admitting her mistakes, that can be one of the hardest things to do. "Thank you Chloé, those words are the best possible gifts you could've ever given me," Ms. Bustier says, giving Chloé a hug who happily returns it until she noticed the three of us watching the two with a smile. "Yeah uh ok then, we're all good," My gloves flash and I wave goodbye before leaving. That night Marinette seemed like she wanted to talk to me but never brought herself to do it, I don't blame her how do approach someone after a confession like that?

The next day Mari and I walk into the classroom to find Alya demanding that Chloé apologizes to the rest of the class. "You want me to apologize to the entire class? Ridiculous. They should be thanking me for saving everybody." "I have several accounts of what went down including my own and they don't exactly match your version," Before the two could argue some more about it, Mari steps in. "I heard you helped Ladybug and saved Ms. Bustier, that's awesome. There really is a heart in there after all. I'm sorry I said there wasn't." "I heard you even apologized for not getting Ms. Bustier a gift that was really cool and brave of you to own up to your mistake. Thanks," I chime in before we drag Alya to her seat.

"Girls are you still Zombizou-fied or what?" "Of course not, we just realized Chloé has a heart too she just doesn't know how to use it so if we set a good example for her she'll learn," Mari explains and I nod adding in. "Plus we should acknowledge when she does something good so she knows she's on the right track," We then watch with a smile as Chloé places a birthday gift next to Ms. Bustier's monitor before heading to her seat as Ms. Bustier comes in and starts the class. Wonder what she got her?

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