Gorizilla: Part 2

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The four of us race to the exit only to see Adrien's bodyguard coming down the stairs, quickly turning around we head for the other exit just to see the previous mob of fans coming down the exit. We were trapped. "Luka," Adrien calls out to him, gesturing toward the subway with his head. Luka nods and the two boys tackle Marinette and me into the train, the doors shutting on the mob and the bodyguard as the train takes off.

We get off the train at Concord, avoid a few more people by putting on some disguises, and sneak into the movie theater, ducking into one of the showrooms. "Good thinking guys, without these disguises we never would've made it here," Adrien thanks us and Marinette shakes her head. "No, it was your idea to duck into this dark theater remember? That was smart." "Actually this is where I was headed when those crazed fans suddenly showed up. Thanks to you my father won't find out." "You're not allowed to go to the movies?" Luka asks in disbelief before looking down as if he just remembered something.

"I am. With my bodyguard or Nathalie of course but I'm not sure my father would've allowed me to see this particular movie," He explains and Luka and I exchange confused looks while Mari expresses her hopes it wasn't a horror movie because she hated them. "Did you catch a glimpse of what the name of the movie was?" I whisper to Luka, we did rush in here pretty fast. There wasn't even enough time to grab snacks. "Not sure Solitare I think, I only glanced for a second, never heard of it though," He shrugged before leaning close to me with a smirk. "I thought we were trying to avoid going to the movies for our first date as a couple." "I thought so too but if you haven't noticed our date hasn't stuck to the plan all day." "No, no I haven't," He sarcastically remarks, rolling his eyes in amusement and we laugh before my attention turns to Adrien as he explained that the movie was rare.

"It's not on the internet and my father's hidden the only DVD of it somewhere at home. You see my mother played the leading role. It's only being shown once. Today in this theater. I couldn't talk to my father about it so I decided to sneak out unnoticed," Adrien turns his head away from someone a few rows away from us who were giving us strange looks. We did look ridiculous. "I don't think the unnoticed bit went too well actually," Mari giggles out and Luka and I nod. "You can say that again."

"Oh well at least I'll get to see it not to mention this is the first time I've ever come to the movies with a friend," That's when the Adrien ad comes on, and Mari starts speaking along with the ad like earlier, soon giving Adrien an embarrassed smile once she was caught. The ad ends, the lights go out and the movie begins. It was a black and white film produced by Mayor Bourgeois, the scene zooms in on a lady walking in the rain the name Emilie Agreste appears next to her. Emilie turns toward the camera and Adrien takes off his helmet to look at her better. She was stunning even if the movie was black and white.

We see a flash and turn to see that guy who was giving us looks earlier. "Adrien at the movies in a helmet with his girlfriend wearing a towel on a double date with a couple wearing the same getup," The four of us give the guy an annoyed look. Really dude? The rule is to not have your phone out during a movie, not to mention we made it clear we were here to see the movie in peace just like you why be a jerk and ruin the movie for everyone? It wasn't long before a brunette boy bursts through the door with an Adrien cut-out screaming at the top of his lungs. "Adrien's at the movies!" More people fill the theater trapping us in. "We're trapped in, what are we gonna do?" To be fair there wasn't much we could do, we were surrounded and people were talking and taking photos over each other. I felt sorry for the poor usher who had to deal with this.

The building shakes and a large blue hand bursts through the ceiling, grabbing Adrien. We all stare at the large blue ape in shock before I let out a low growl. Seriously Hawkmoth? Leave it up to him to ruin my plans. As expected the mob wasn't too happy with Adrien being taken and started throwing whatever they could at the ape. During that distraction, Mari grabs my hand and drags me away, hiding underneath some seats as everyone chased after the ape who made off with Adrien.

"Sorry to drag you out of your date (y/n) but Adrien needs us," Mari apologizes, and I reassure her it wasn't her fault but Hawkmoth's. We transform quickly and take after the ape where we find the guy with the Adrien cut out following after him too. "Put Adrien down right now!" He warns before Ladybug and I technically arrive at the scene. "Put Adrien down right now!" LB warns but once again Gorizilla ignored the demand. Gorizilla climbs up Montparnasse Tower and lets out a shriek. Following up, we fly over him and demand Adrien be let go. He dodges our attack and we land on the roof turning to face him as we look around still no sign of Chat Noir.

Gorizilla goes to attack us, slamming his free hand down forcing us to jump up, unsure what else to do I follow Ladybug's footsteps as we climb up his arm and tightly hold on as he tries to shake us off. Getting tired of us he uses his other hand to try and squash us. Adrien gives us an apologetic smile as the two of us tug on the fingers to open. "There's no use, he's too strong," Adrien informs us before Gorizilla thrusts his face toward us and we fall off, LB grabbing me before landing on the side of the tower.

"Try calling Chat," She instructs and I do so, he didn't pick up so Ladybug leaves the message. "Where are you Chat Noir? We could really use your help fast. We're at Montparnasse Tower," Ladybug rushes to the side when the ape's hand comes flying down on us and we reach the roof again before she summons her lucky charm: a toy helicopter. "A helicopter? Now's not exactly the time to play," I droll out as she unboxes the toy. That's when we're both grabbed and Gorizilla goes to grab Ladybug's miraculous before realizing his other hand was occupied. He starts messing with his closed hands to get to the earrings.

"I'm so sorry Ladybug, (s/n)," Adrien apologizes. "Don't worry, let me try to maneuver this thing," LB grunts out, focusing on controlling the toy helicopter which starts flying around Gorizilla's face, in his nose and eyes, and in his rage he drops Ladybug and me to grab the toy when Ladybug's yoyo wraps around his thumb holding Adrien, instructing me to keep the ape distracted while she dove into the tower.

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