Glaciator: Part 4

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Chat Noir destroys my ice wall and the large gust of wind blows away the ice cream surrounding André. He dangles from the yoyo wire helplessly while Chat and I lower him down so Ladybug can grab the akuma. One de-akumatizing process and pound it later André pulls the three of us in for a hug. "Sacré bleu! How enchanting! Saved from the cold from a couple of lovebirds and their friend." "He said," Chat shrugs with a smile. 

After heading home I check my phone to see a message from Luka, he wanted to meet up tomorrow to talk. A few more minutes and Marinette returns. "I know what you meant now. Because I didn't take his feelings seriously or give him a straight no I was basically stringing him along, letting him think he had a chance with me. So I told him I don't want to lie to him because he's my friend. I also told him there was a boy I liked," Mari explains, sitting on my bed next to me. "Did you tell him who?" "No, though he did ask and I reminded him of the rule. Not sure how he feels though, he just gave me a smile, told me my friendship with him means everything, and took off after giving me this rose," She gestures toward the red rose in her hand.

"He'll be fine just as long as he truly understands you won't reciprocate his feelings," I reassure her but she bites her bottom lip in worry. "I'm not sure if he did or not..." The next day I message Chat to meet me a little earlier before our patrol, I wanted to make sure he understood Ladybug and would be ok.

"Hey, Ladybug told me what happened, you gonna be ok?" He gives a grateful smile and nods. "She may not love with me now but in the future, I know she will," I let out a groan. "Chat...It was that kind of thinking, the expectation that she'll fall in love with you that broke your heart in the first place. I can't confirm or deny that in the future she might fall in love with you but as of now and for a long while she's not gonna reciprocate your feelings so it might be best for you to move on," His smile fades and he asks "How would you know that?" "I have this friend that-" "I'm not interested in dating your friend (s/n)."

He cuts me off and I start laughing. "Don't worry I wasn't going to suggest that, she's not that big of a fan of you. Besides, she has feelings for a boy already and she really loves him that you can see it in her eyes almost like a sparkle and when LB mentioned her crush I could see that same sparkle. She's not gonna move on from her crush as easily as you think. I'm telling you this because I care about you, you're one of my closest friends Chat and I don't want to watch as you keep getting your heart broken by Ladybug because you keep trying to gain your affections. I can't force you to stop, I can only give you my advice: let go of her, find someone else who will appreciate your affections, and return them."

Chat Noir was barely looking at me in the eye and he sighs. "I didn't think about it like that. I wouldn't even know where to begin to move on but I'll try," He mumbles before taking off to do his portion of patrol. I smile, happy to see he was finally getting it, now to get an answer from Luka. I quickly finish up patrol and meet up with Luka before his class. "I'm here!" I pant out of breath as I rush up to him and he chuckles.

"Glad you made it, I didn't want to keep you from getting an answer to your question," I look up at him with anticipation and worry. Right now this cute, sweet, generous boy had my heart in his hands. He cups my face and smiles. "(y/n) I'm so happy that you finally know what you want and there is no way I could say no to you. So yes, I will go out with you," Tears well up in my eyes as I excitedly hug him tightly. He returns the hug and kisses the top of my head before heading into his class. "See ya later (y/n)," I let out a giddily squeal, and immediately text the group chat letting the girls that Luka and I were finally a thing and we went out to celebrate that night.

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