Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.

Start from the beginning

"I don't remember." Sean replied.

"Of course." William said being patient. "I never told you my name yet, have I? William Parker. At your service." He introduced. "And that woman over there, is my wife: Mary."

Sean turned to see a Woman with grey hair by the Piano and stroking the keys. "Hello, Sean." Mary greeted.

"Nice to meet yeh." Sean replied.

"You gave us quite a fright last night, Sean." Mary said. "But praise God that you have recovered."

Sean still had hardly said a word as he ate his food. "This is England?" He asked. "How did I... how did I get here?"

"We were hoping that you could tell us that." William said. "Your voice sounds Irish-"

"It is... but... we prefer to ourselves as Celts." Sean replied.

"Celt then." William corrected.

"It's all a blur, really. The last thing I remember was fallin' down a hill and then like a black wave crushing my lungs, I was... here..." Sean explained trying to recall.

"You were lucky that William and Sarah found you on the road when they did." Mary said. "Your parents must be worried sick about you."

And a knot formed in Sean's stomach. "My parents..." He said. And then he remembered the screams. 'RUN!' "My village... we were attacked."

"Attacked?" William asked.

Sean nodded. "We were attacked. They came in the night. Hundreds of them. We had no warning, we were not prepared..."

The Room had fallen silent. "Dragons... and... and... Goblins... and Wicked Men. They were setting everything on fire... My Parents-" Sean had said.

That was all William needed to hear. "I am so sorry my boy." He said to Sean.

"I still don't know who it was." Sean added. "Who attacked me. And Why." Then he noticed something. "Yeh... Yeh believe me just like that?"

"We know what Dragons and Goblins are, Sean." William assured. "Our own Daughter is one of you."

"As in... a Magic User?" Sean asked.

"A Witch. Yes." Mary corrected.

"Then you would be a Witch and Wizard too. No wait..." Sean corrected himself.

"We're Muggles." William clarified. "That's the word you're looking for."

"Right. That." Sean nodded.

"It at least explained some of the abnormal things in our life with Sarah being around." Mary explained. "Strange and unnatural things happened with Sarah. One day, when she was 10, a Man came in front of us. He said that he was a Professor at a School that Sarah had been accepted into."

"At first, we thought that strange. But the man said that Sarah had been granted a gift from God himself. It was at that moment that we learned that she was a Witch. And that the Professor himself was a Wizard. Sarah had been granted the gift of Magic. And at this school, Hogwarts, Sarah could learn to control her powers." William added.

"And it'll be my 4th year, tomorrow." Sarah said coming down the stairs and sitting down the table.

"Hmph." Sean grunted at the name of Hogwarts. He was told by his Parents that Hogwarts was built for Witches and Wizards who the British could brainwash and forget the true teachings of Magic.

"Have you not attended Hogwarts, Sean?" Sarah asked.

"Never needed to." Sean answered. "All the magic I learned was from my Father and Mother."

Sean Cormag and the Legacy of Hogwarts.Where stories live. Discover now