Chapter 49

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Chapter 49 Arriving at Beijing City Base

    Xiao Chengguang is dead.

    Shen Yu moved his hand.

    Originally, Shen Xin wanted to do something, but Shen Yu refused, she did it herself, not only killed Xiao Chengguang, but also asked Shen Xin to burn Xiao Chengguang's body, and then sat on the bed.

    There was still a faint smell of blood in the air, and Shen Yu was rarely at a loss.

    The side of the bed suddenly sank, and Shen Xin's cold voice sounded: "If you care about him, you might as well become the zombie king now, and I can protect you to upgrade." "I don't care what he said about my identity as the zombie king

    . "Shen Yu came back to her senses, she smiled at Shen Xin, "I don't regret killing him, I'm thinking about other issues, I'll go for a walk first, you have a good rest, Xiao Teng, I will stay and protect you."

    Shen Xin watched Shen Yu open the window and jump down, but still didn't say anything.

    Strictly speaking, Xiao Chengguang's words did not have much impact on Shen Yu. She knew what kind of person Xiao Chengguang was, and she also knew that Xiao Chengguang's words were intentional.

    He was not even afraid of Xiao Chengguang's final death, he just wanted to cast a shadow on Shen Yu.

    Shen Yu didn't want to get in touch with such a person, nor did he want to care about what he said.

    But there was one thing that caught her attention.

    About what Xiao Chengguang said about the last destroyed base.

    Before the end of the world, in the continuous dream that lasted for three days, Shen Yu's last base that was destroyed... was the Northwest base.

    That was the last base of mankind, and also the last hope of mankind, but it was destroyed in the hands of the Zombie King.

    Without that dream, without the magical Shen Xin, Shen Yu would not necessarily believe that Xiao Chengguang was reborn.

    But if Xiao Chengguang is really reborn... Is her dream really just a dream?

    Xiao Chengguang is so smart, he should have seen that Shen Yu was not surprised when he said Zombie King, this may be the reason why Xiao Chengguang said some 'truth' at the end.


    is it really true?

    Shen Yu sat on a big rock in a daze.

    "You are here." Shen Yu suddenly heard a familiar voice.

    She looked down and saw that it was Lu Xingyue.

    Shen Yu lazily hummed, and Lu Xingyue also climbed onto the big rock and sat down, turning his head to look at Shen Yu: "What's wrong?" "

    Well... I was just wondering if the dream was real." Shen Yu propped his chin and smiled.

    "...Why did you suddenly think of this question?" Lu Xingyue's doubts appeared on his face.

    "Probably because I heard something today." Shen Yu said.

    "Is it about Xiao Chengguang?" Lu Xingyue asked suddenly.

    Xiao Chengguang suddenly disappeared, Mr. Liu and Wu Chengyu would definitely give an explanation, Shen Yu was not surprised that Lu Xing knew about this, she hummed: "I just care about some of what he said." Lu

I am no longer the Zombie King! [End of the World]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ