Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 Arriving at the Research Institute

    This night of rest was a night of peace.

    Even if a zombie appeared, it would be dealt with quickly.

    On the second day, Wu Chengyu asked Shen Yu to let people with abilities below the second level go outside to meet him, so only four people from Wu Chengyu's team, four people from Shen Yu's team, and three wild second-level abilities went in. Or, they are located in a short distance, so they walked there.

    The research institute is under a building, and this building is in the business district. When the end of the world began, it was noon, and it was not a weekend. There were quite a lot of people working in this business district.     Without the sound of vehicles, the zombies in the distance are not so easy to be attracted, but the nearby zombies will not be reserved when they smell fresh and alive. .     But Shen Yu, who had been vigilant for a long time, did not let those zombies break through the line of defense.     At the beginning, the first-level supernatural beings who stayed outside could help from a distance, but when the distance became longer, they couldn't reach them, and Shen Yu and the others had to do the rest.     When they came yesterday, they actually cleaned up a wave of zombies, and even burned most of the zombie corpses, but today many zombies gathered again.     Fortunately, their powers are at least level two. In the absence of crystal nuclei to absorb, people who can reach level two or above have no shortage of xinxing talents. If there is no accident, this group of people He will be the person at the top of the power pyramid for a long time to come.     So these surrounded zombies fell to the ground under their attack.     There is also an experienced conductor Wu Chengyu, and their journey went smoothly. Some people were injured during the period, but they have already summed up a set of standards. Zombies who are two levels higher than themselves will only be infected when they are injured. Now it is impossible to have level 4 and level 5 zombies, so they only need to prevent themselves from being bitten, and other injuries can be ignored.     After all, there are many zombies. Although they can kill these zombies, occasional bumps and scratches are unavoidable.

    If you want to avoid it, you have to waste more effort and it's not worth it.

    However, two people were well protected, one was Shen Xin and the other was Shen Yu.

    Shen Xin was protected because she was a pregnant woman. One reason for Shen Yu's protection was that her space ability contained the things they needed to go in this time, and they needed to bring some experimental equipment and materials out of it. The other reason was that her brother Wu Chengyu, who lives alone, has a preference for her, and Lu Xingyue's toughness.

    Regarding this, Shen Yu was speechless.

    After all, she is also one of the only third-level power users in the team. It seems a bit strange to protect her in the middle now, doesn't it?

    As a result, Shen Yu could only extend his vines as much as possible to help stop those approaching zombies.

    Not to mention, with her blocking, the injury rate of teammates plummeted.

    The research institute is in a commercial building with more than 30 floors. This commercial building has a glass door. Now that the glass door is opened, they can see a large group of zombies inside from the door.

    "Cheng Yuan and I go in to clean up, Lu Xingyue, you and Shen Yu are finished." Wu Chengyu ordered decisively.

    Cheng Yuan was the person second only to him in strength in his team. After the two of them rushed in, they caught the zombies and started killing them, blocking the zombies further away from the gate.

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