Chapter 28

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Elenor's Pov:

When I got back home, I started getting ready for the cinema, along with texting Ace to ask if we're still going.

My phone starts calling and I immediately pick up when I see who it is.

"Hey, girl. What's up?"

"Nothing much, Jake is here, because he climes you don't have anything interesting to eat at home and Ace is freaking out about something."

"Really? Why would he be freaking out?"

"I don't know, I think he might have finally grown some balls and asked a girl out on a date,  he's been choosing what to wear for the past 30 minutes and he even asked me for advice and he never does that."

"Oh no! It's not a date."

"Oh really? Are you jealous and you just don't want him dating anyone?"
I can literally hear the smirk on her face appear. All she's been begging me for, even when I was in coma, was to date Ace. Once she even tried to hypnotise me in the hospital and I've never been more confused in my life.

"No, I'm not jealous. I just know, because we're going to the movie theatre tonight."

"Oh my god. I can't believe he finally asked you out! And it is a date!"

"Well actually I was the one to ask him, if he wanted to watch a movie."
"Wait what ? So you do like him?"
"Yes. No. Wait. Can't friends just go out?"

"Why are you so selfish?"
"You're being ridiculous, Aspen. "

"No, really I want to be an aunt, bridesmaid and a sister in law and this fucker won't ever find anyone better than you! To be honest I don't think he'll ever do it unless somebody does it for him. I worry he still might be a virgin, tho... "

"Okay let's just not talk about your brother's sex life. Besides we will be sisters in law if you marry Jake so don't be dramatic. I gotta go charge my phone, but I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, love you. Bye!"
"Bye, love you too!"

„So, do we know what they're playing or are we going to find out when we get there?" Ace asks rhythmically patting the steering wheel with his tattooed thumbs.

"Give me a sec I'll check." I take my phone out and search for the movies we can watch.
"Soooo, we can watch scream 4, 365 days, minions or- OH MY GOD they are playing Spider-Man no way home!!!" I yell excitedly and for some reason I always blush when I get to watch a Spider-Man movie.

"We can watch that." He says calmly, not matching my energy at all.
"Yes! But wait have you watched Spider-Man homecoming and far from home ? " I ask rising my brows at him not believing he's ever watched something with a happy, cute, little romance and a teenager saving the world in it  just, because he wanted to.

"Haven't even heard of it, but you seem pretty excited to watch it. "

"Yea, he's my favourite superhero, but you won't know what's happening an-"
"It's fine. Besides, I can always ask you who's who and what's going on right?"
"Okay! You've convinced me!" I am not going to waist this opportunity to see Spider-Man on a big screen and him asking me questions about it will make this evening even better because I love talking about it.

Waiting in the line we chat a little and laugh a bit.
"You know I've actually never been to a cinema before?" I say looking around at the new for me surroundings. The building looks modernish from the outside, but on the inside it looks like it's taken straight out of 1800's. The ceiling is rounded and the walls are covered in asymmetrical bricks.

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