Chapter 18

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Ace Pov:

Boys nights are quite boring to be honest. We don't really do shit except playing FIFA talking about sport and drinking beer.

Sometimes but hardly ever we talk about girls or Adam's hook ups. He's literally a man whore. That's why I don't like the idea of him wanting to hang out with Elie.

I can't believe I finally have her back. However she still can't remember much.

Actually, she remembers all but me, which hurts a little but I'm sure she'll remember in no time.


And if not, I do. I remember and I'll never forget. I'll do everything I can for us to be the way we were 15 years ago. I know we were just kids back then but the bond we had was unbreakable.

"Adam, you've been quiet all night. You good?" Easton asks taking a sip of his beer.
"Yea why wouldn't I? "
"Usually you'd already have talked at least one about one of your hook ups and how you made her come."

Me personally, I think it's annoying and disgusting how he talks about his sex but the guys don't seem to bother.

Don't get me wrong I'm not some immature kid in middle school who laughs when he hears word "sex" but when Adam talks about it he gets very specific and into details. I don't really need to hear about his cock in some woman's pussy.

"Well actually I haven't had a hook up in some time." I must admit, I'm quite surprised.

"Did our man whore get a girlfriend? Or maybe he's in love and staying loyal to his Juliet, ha?" We all laugh at Jake's ridiculous speculations.

"Well I actually do like someone. I was thinking about asking her out on a date."

"Really? Who is the girl?"
"You'll kill me if I tell you."
"As long as it's not my mum or sister you're fine." He takes another sip of the beer he's holding not pulling his gaze away from the tv screen.

Everyone is silent and I can already tell he likes El. My blood is boiling and if we weren't in the same mafia I'd have put a bullet in his head, but before that I'd had cut his dick off.

"Wait. It's not Elenor, is it?" Finally looking away from the game Jake says in serious tone.

"Well... it kind of is actually ..."

"No." Me and Jake say at the same time. Before saying anything else Adam as well as the others look at me with suspicion in their eyes.

"Because. She's not gonna be one of your hook ups. End of discussion."
Jake says and brushes it of.

It's 1 am and we're bored as fuck.
One of the guys, knowing the girls are having a sleepover at my house got the idea of doing a prank on them.

The plan was easy we get in and scare the girls hope that would have watched some horrors before. Eventually we'd spill some water on them.

We also made plan b in case they were deadly asleep.
We'd get in and carry them to the backyard hoping we don't wake them up and than finally we'd throw them into the pool.

Tiptoeing towards the sleeping girls in my living room we try to keep it as quiet as possible.
When I walk up to Elie I see how peaceful she looks and next to her, my drowling sister who makes it hard for me to not burst out laughing.

I wasn't very laughable for the past 15 years but it has changed. I used to think I killed Elenor but now that I know she's here and alive I don't blame myself anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I still only laugh sometimes.
I don't really like showing people I like them because I don't. I don't like people at all.

The only people I like are only Jake and Elie. And obviously my family but that doesn't count.

I just stand the guys from mafia but recently Adam has been making it a hard time for me not to kill him.

While Adam opens the back door, me, Easton and Jake pick up the girls very carefully making sure we don't wake them up.

Walking to the backyard El starts moving making me freeze in place thinking she's waking up. I'm fact she was just making herself comfortable in her sleep by putting her soft arms around my torso.

She looks so cute and innocent snuggled in my chest making me want to see it more often.
"Ace!" Easton whisper-yells at me nodding his head towards Jake who's already standing by the pool with his girlfriend ready to throw her into the water.

"On 3..." East and I nod agreeing to the plan.
"....3!" Me screaming 'three' was loud enough to wake the girls up but they didn't even have enough time to process what was happening before landing in the pool.

"You, dickheads!" Was what Sofia said after getting from under the water.

"Can you at least help us out?" Elenor said still trying to get the water out of her ears.
Me and Adam pull our hands out towards her at the same time. There is tension that I think everybody can feel at the moment but it disappears when Elenor pulls us both into the pool.

Everyone's laughter is muffed by the water in my ears when El starts speaking "this is what you get for messing with us, assholes. Hahaha"

"Oh no you just started a war with me, my lady."
Said Adam splashing water at the blond girl who threw us into the water.

He grabs onto her waist from behind and pulls her under water with him. They laugh and splash water around.

I can't look at how he touches Elenor so I just get out of the pool and get inside the house.

For those who don't know I have a tik tok account that is related to this story so make sure you check it out!!!!

Tik tok: @i_love_mafia_men
(So creative ik 😭)

Posting 3 days in a raw, that's some accomplishment isn't it.

Idk why but it's just hard for me to write Ace's pov.😢

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